Subject: CFP Live Coding and Collaboration symposium
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014
From: alex
Live Coding and Collaboration symposium
Call for papers
University of Birmingham, on 25-26th September 2014.
In live coding, the innards of software are exposed and rewired
through live, direct, and exploratory use of custom made programming
languages. See and for
more background.
This symposium will bring new focus to collaborative aspects of live
coding, following last year’s Dagstuhl seminar „Collaboration and
Learning through Live Coding“.
Day one, on the 25th September, will be a doctoral consortium
dedicated to postgraduate students (PhD and masters level), to present
work and explore ideas at an early stage. This will be an opportunity
to receive feedback from peers, and experienced researchers and
practitioners in the field. We encourage a wide range of
participation, from those who are simply curious about what live
coding might mean for their research, to those who are exploring core
live coding research questions. Cultural, psychological, computer
science, social, technological, aesthetic, philosophical and other
perspectives are all welcome. The workshop will include hands-on
activities suitable for all levels, there is no requirement for prior
programming experience. Prospective participants will need to submit
an extended abstract of 1-2 pages (indicative length), outlining their
present research interests.
Day two, on the 26th September, will be a symposium dedicated to the
theme of Live Coding and Collaboration. We invite short papers (2-4
pages) and demonstrations (with 1-2 page description) which interweave
live coding with such themes as computer supported cooperative work,
social computing, network music and laptop ensembles, and social
craft. The day will consist of short papers and demonstrations, with
focus on discussion exploring emerging themes.
All submissions will undergo single-blind peer review. All page sizes
are indicative length only. Please use a font no smaller than 11pt,
and submit in PDF format.
All papers and abstracts should be submitted via Easychair, at
We will release further information shortly, including registration details.
Please direct all questions to Alex McLean:
Key dates:
* Submission deadline: 14th July 2014
* Notification of acceptance: 25th July 2014
* Resubmission of accepted papers: 25th August 2014
* Live coding doctoral consortium: 25th September 2014
* Live coding and collaboration symposium: 26th September 2014
* The symposium will lead into the Network Music Festival, which this
year will focus on Live Coding performance, and will continue until
28th September.
Organising committee:
* Alex McLean, ICSRiM, School of Music, University of Leeds
* Scott Wilson, Electroacoustic studios, Department of Music,
University of Birmingham
* Thor Magnusson, School of Media, Film and Music, University of Sussex
* Shelly Knotts, School of Music, University of Durham
This event is a Live Coding Research Network activity funded by the
Arts and Humanities Research Council.