Subject: CFP: Practice-Based Research in New Interfaces for Musical
Expression Workshop
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014
From: Andrew Johnston
Call for Papers
Workshop on Practice-Based Research in New Interfaces for Musical Expression
NIME 2014 Workshop: Goldsmiths, London, UK
Workshop website:
Submission Deadline: May 12, 2014 (No extensions!)
Notification: May 16, 2014
Workshop date: June 30, 2014
Practitioner-researchers in new musical instrument/interface design
often set themselves multiple challenges: they seek to design and
implement new technologies, create and perform new works, examine and
evaluate what they have done and, finally, articulate what has been
learned in the process.
To do this effectively requires careful consideration of the links
between creative work and research. Failing to do so can lead to
technical research which lacks relevance to creative practice or,
conversely, creative work where the broader contribution is unclear.
This workshop focuses on the relationships between creative practice and
research – and blends of the two – with particular emphasis on new
musical interface/instrument design.
Combining practice and research leads to a series of difficult
questions, including:
– What constitutes a contribution in the context of practice-based
research in new musical instrument/interface design?
– How do we show that we have made a contribution? What kinds of
evidence are appropriate?
– Do we always need to evaluate our interfaces/instruments? What does
evaluation mean in creative contexts? Are there fixed criteria?
– What is the status of the work (performance, instrument, composition,
exhibition, …) itself? Is it possible to understand the contribution
of practice-based research without experiencing the work? What is the
role of documentation?
– What is the place of personal reflection in relation to practice-based
We invite 2-4 page papers or position papers for presentation and
in-depth discussion. Submissions from students are welcome and
encouraged. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
– Case studies of practice-based research in the area of NIME.
– Theoretical and conceptual framings of practice-based research in NIME
– Personal reflections on past or ongoing practice-based research projects.
– Techniques and methods for examining people’s experiences with new
– Approaches and methods from other domains and cultures.
– Radical ideas, new approaches.
Papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in
the workshop proceedings and archived on the workshop website. After the
workshop, selected participants will be invited to expand their papers
for a special issue of Leonardo Transactions.
Once selected, all workshop participants are required to register for at
least one day of the NIME conference. You can register at
Submit papers via EasyChair at:
Andrew Johnston, Sam Ferguson and Ernest Edmonds
Creativity and Cognition Studios, University of Technology, Sydney
Please send enquiries to