Subject: CALL – CHI2015 – Interfaces for Creative Sound
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014
From: Florian Grote
Liebe Kollegen,
ich freue mich, den Workshop „Collaborating with Intelligent Machines:
Interfaces for Creative Sound“ auf der CHI2015 – ACM Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) in Seoul / Korea ankündigen zu
können. Der Workshop soll mögliche Zukünfte der
Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion im Bereich Sound und Musik ausloten und
richtet sich sowohl an Musiker und Klangkünstler als auch an
Interface-Spezialisten aus anderen Bereichen.
Mit besten Grüßen,
Florian Grote
Call for Participation
Collaborating with Intelligent Machines: Interfaces for Creative
A workshop at CHI2015, Seoul, Korea
April 18, 2015
This workshop brings together researchers, designers and instrument
builders to explore how we can reframe the way we design “machines” for
creative expression. For the purpose of this event, we are focussing on
the case of music, but no expertise in this field is required, and the
outcomes will be useful to the broader field of instruments and
interfaces for creative work. Three opportunities/challenges are
presenting themselves: The disappearing computer is putting embodiment
back in the center of our concerns; intelligent agents are reaching a
level of complexity where it is feasible for an interface to provide
suggestions based on work practises; and finally, creative work is
increasingly done in collaboration reminiscent of the classic image of
musicians playing in a group. The workshop is focussed on charting these
new possibilities and constraints. We invite submissions of true
position papers: what is your perspective or experience with these
developments, in music or in other areas, which risks and potentials do
you see; in short, what is your hunch?
Position papers should be short (around 500 words) and illustrated by
examples, such as existing or conceptualized instruments, images, or
pieces of music. We explicitly encourage submissions to use various
forms of creative outlets to express your position. Please send your
submissions to
until January 5, 2015.
Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed for suitability to the workshop.
Notification of acceptance will be sent on February 2, 2015. Accepted
position papers can be presented in a brief session during the workshop.
At least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the
workshop and all participants must register for the workshop and for at
least one day of the conference.
Accepted papers and other textual outcomes will be included in the
workshop proceedings and made available through the workshop blog:
The workshop will be
followed by a social event (on the same day or the day after),
where outcomes from the workshop will be presented and discussed with
artists from the thriving music scene of Seoul.