Subject: CICEM 2014
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014
From: Ricardo Dal Farra
Concours International de Composition de Musique Electroacoustique
de Monaco 2014
Monaco International Electroacoustic Composition Competition
CICEM 2014
The Academy Rainier III of Monaco call to electroacoustic works for her
1st Composition Competition, which includes 3 categories:
– Electroacoustic Music(acousmatic, tape)
– Mixed Media(for a performer -instrument or voice- and tape, without
the intervention of real time).
– Electroacoustic with video(tape, without the intervention of real time).
El contest is free and open to composers of all ages and nationalities .
Each composer may submit a maximum of one work per category .
The works must not have more than 5 years (composed between 2010 and 2014).
The length can be 7 to 11 minutes in the categories Electroacoustic
Musicand Mixed Media, and 4 to 11 minutes in the Electroacoustic
with videocategory.
The audio may have from 2 to 8 tracks.
Sending works
The works must be sentby post before September 15th, 2014to:
Académie Rainier III – Musique & Théâtre
CICEM 2014
1 Bd Albert 1er
98000 Monaco
Applications must be anonymous.
Each composition and its documentation requested must be sent in one CD,
DVD or USB drive, identified with the title of the composition.
The works must be sent in .aifor .wav format, definition 44.1
kHz-16 bitsor 48 kHz-24 bits.
Multitracks works must be send separate audio tracks indicating their
position, but also a stereo version.
Pieces with instrument or voice must be send with the score in
.pdfformat, and enclose a mixed version and an electroacostic part alone.
Works with video must be sent in .movformat.
Must be included a .pdffile with the program notes of the work
(maximum 100 words in French, English, or Spanish), indicating the year,
the length and format (stereo 2 to 8 tracks)
Any reference to the identity of the composer should appear on
envelopes, program notes, scores music, videos or media (CD, DVD or USB
drive). The only permitted identification is the title of the work.
A sealed envelope with the title of the work must include the following
– Name of composer
– Place and date of birth
– Nationality
– Email
– Address
– Short biography (maximum 100 words)
– Program Notes of the work (maximum 100 words)
The jury will award one First Prize per category. It may also declare
the deserted categorie or assign Honorary Mentions.
Works that will get the First Prize will be scheduled at the biennial
„Monaco Electroacoustique 2015“ – International Meeting of
Electroacoustic Music, which takes place on 28, 29 and 30th May 2015 in
Composers who have obtained the First Prize will be invited to the
biennial „Monaco Electroacoustique 2015“. Subsistence expenses shall be
borne by the organization of the biennial but not travel. If the
composer did not attend the biennial her composition will be maintained.
Artistic direction of the biennial „Monaco Electroacoustique 2015“ can
schedule in addition some other work who has caught his attention
without having obtained the First Prize.
In addition, a residence in the ICST /Institut for Computer Music and
Sound Technology/- Zurich University of the Arts (Switzerland) will be
assigned by the jury to one of the composers who have obtained the First
The jury will be composed by:
Mario MARY (Chairman)
The jury’s decision is final and without appeal. Any situation not
covered by the rules will be managed by the jury. In case of a tie
between two or more candidates, the jury chairman will benefit from
double voting.
A first pre-selection will take place in September 2014. The jury will
announce its final verdict between October and November 2014.
The works will not be returned.
Participating in the competition signifies for candidates accepting all
the conditions of this rules. Any breach of the rules involve the
elimination of the work in the contest.