Von: Folkmar Hein
Datum: 1. August 2011 21:35:46 MESZ
Betreff: FW: Subject: Convocatoria Visiones Sonoras 2011
Electroacoustic Music Meeting
The Mexican Centre for Music and Sonic Arts (CMMAS) invites students,
composers and sonic artists to participate in the Electroacoustic
Music Meeting which will be held on October 26-29, 2011 during the
Seventh International Music and New Technologies Festival “Visiones
Sonoras” 2011.
Composers, artists and performers of any nationality whose work
involves the use of new technologies may apply. Selected participants
will attend the workshops, didactic rehearsals and conferences of the
The following documentation must be submitted:
– Curriculum vitae containing at least the following: age, email,
place of birth, address and work experience with technology and
electroacoustic music.
– Letter of motivation; one page maximum, outlining your interest in
– A letter of intent, accepting the compromise to attend to all the
activities of the festival including the international travel.
– A sample of previous work involving the use of new technologies in
any of the following formats:
– Audio files: MP3
– Video files: .mov or Mpeg4
– Text files and scores: .doc, .txt or .pdf
These documents must be sent through the CMMAS website
(www.cmmas.org). To do so, enter the English version
(ACTIVITIES>PROJECT SUBMISSIONS) and register as user. Once
registered, access the PROJECT SUBMISSIONS section. Select the
COMPOSITORES (please follow carefully the instructions given after the
section TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SUBMISSIONS, in the project registry).
General information
The activities of the Meeting will be held at the Auditorio de la
Unidad Académica Cultural de la UNAM Campus Morelia: Antigua carretera
a Pátzcuaro 8701, col. Ex Hacienda de San josé de la Huerta, C.P.
58190, in Morelia City, Michoacan on 26-29 October, 2011;
– The deadline for materials is Friday, September 30th 2011.
– Only applications received through our website (www.cmmas.org >
project submissions) according the formats specified in Documentation
will be assessed. Postal deliveries or e-mails will not be accepted.
– Selected candidates will be announced Tuesday, October 11th 2011 in
the Festival’s website (www.visionessonoras.org) and through the
CMMAS (website http://www.cmmas.org)
Selection process
– The 2011 Selection Committee consists of composers who are
internationally recognized in the field of electroacoustic music and
who will be participating in the various activities in the festival.
– Applicants who are unsuccessful are most welcome to attend the
activities of the electroacoustic music meeting and festival at their
own expense. Our intention is to admit as many students as possible.
– The following aspects will be considered when evaluating the
submitted materials curriculum vitae, letter of intent, clarity and
quality of the presented material.
– The committee’s final decisions will not be open to discussion.
– Cases not expressly foreseen will be solved by the jury.
Special support of the Ministry of Culture of the State of Michoacán
(SECUM) and CMMAS for the Festival
Participants who will be coming from outside of Morelia may apply for
financial assistance to cover lodging expenses in a double room and
support for meal throughout their stay. This does not include
international travel.
If you wish to be considered for this support, the following
conditions must be fulfilled in addition to those mentioned above:
– Proof of address that shows that the participant does not reside in
the city of Morelia, Michoacan.
– A letter expressing the desire to be considered for this support.
For more information about this call please use the following contacts:
Tel. CMMAS +52.443.317.56.79/+52.443.313.83.43