[ 4. April 2014 ]

CALL – EarZoom sonic arts festival – call for works

Datum: 4. April 2014 12:18:31 MESZ

EARZOOM Sonic Arts Festival 2014
17th-19th. October 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia


The 6th annual EarZoom sonic arts festival is launching a call for works!

We are looking for projects involving new technologies from the following fields:

– electronic music hardware and software
– new interfaces for musical expression
– mobile music computing
– algorithmic composition
– live coding

– A special (non exclusive) focus in this year are music technology startups.

– Submission categories: live performance, presentation and demo.

We will not accept acousmatic / tape music and installation pieces.

Technical rider on our side: stereo speakers, mixing board, projector.
We will not be able to provide any other equipment.

Please apply only if you are able to self fund the travel to Ljubljana, Slovenia
We will provide hotel accommodation for selected artists during the festival.

Deadline for submissions is 30th April 2014.

Send your submissions to: info@irzu.org

Submissions must include:

– 150 word description of the proposed work or bio.
– image of the proposed work
– link to an online (audio or video) documentation of the work

Selected authors will be notified by 15th May, latest.

More information: http://www.irzu.org

IRZU – Institute for Sonic Arts Research
Vodnikova 28, 1000 Ljubljana
