Von: CEC jef chippewa
Betreff: eContact! 15.4 — Videomusic / Videomusique
Datum: 18. März 2013 17:57:51 MEZ
eContact! 15.4 — Videomusic / Vidéomusique
eContact! extends an open call for contributions to an issue exploring and articulating the artistic and theoretical aspects of videomusic. This issue aims to present and reflect on the diverse range of practices and approaches to videomusic and related art forms found or emerging today, as well the various historical antecedents or precursors of the genre.
Submission deadline: 20 August 2013
Publication: 15 September 2013
More info:
Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC)
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
http://cec.sonus.ca | mailto:cec@sonus.ca
http://FACEBOOK.com/cec.sonus | http://TWITTER.com/cec_ca
eContact! 14.3 — Turntablism (Jan 2013)