Von: „Straebel | TU Berlin“
Datum: 2. Oktober 2013 14:24:34 MESZ
Electroacoustic Music Beyond Concert Performance
10 – 14 June 2014 | Berlin | Germany
Deadline for proposals is 3 January 2014.
The concert work is still considered to be the epitome of electroacoustic music. During a work’s performance the relationships between composition and audience in time and space are defined as homogeneous – just as in the Aristotelian drama. However, since the 1960s, specific forms of electroacoustic music that challenge the possibility (or conception) of an absolute and exclusive reception have gained substantially in importance. This development resulted in concert forms of extended duration, as well as sound art and music in the media offering the listener opportunities to arrange the perceived sounds in new individual arrangements or to explore the aural space of one piece in various ways. The aesthetical positions and the practical consequences for electroacoustic music that have emerged from these specific environments shall be considered at EMS14 conference.
This EMS conference aims to discuss a number of relevant questions concerning electroacoustic music beyond concert performance among musicologists, composers and sound artists. Musicological studies in this field still lack consistent, rigorous research. Therefore, we explicitly invite papers that focus on aesthetics, history, analysis and practical issues of electroacoustic music of Extended Duration, as Sound Art/Sound Installation, as Media Music, as Conceptual Music, as Participatory Music, in the context of Happenings or extended Concert Forms.
The conference is also open to other topics relevant to histories and/or contemporary practices of electroacoustic music. Submission of papers relating to any aspect of the field would be appreciated as well, including, but not limited, to: analysis, perception, listening, terminology, composition, performance, cultural issues and education (cf. detailed call at http://www.ak.tu-berlin.de/ems2014).
The conference is hosted by Universität der Künste Berlin, Masterstudiengang Sound Studies in cooperation with Technische Universität Berlin, Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation and Freie Universität Berlin.
The deadline for receipt of proposals of papers is Friday, 3 January 2014 midnight EST. The duration of a paper presentation should be 20 minutes followed by a question period of 5 minutes. Conference languages are English and French.
Submissions can be made by uploading a zipped folder and providing the download link, or by direct email to: ems2014.berlin[at]gmail.com
A submission should consist of one pdf-document and the same as word-, odt-, or rtf-document in English with the following parts:
1. the paper abstract in English (500 up to 1,000 words), headed with author name(s) and title (if any), organisation affiliation (if any), contact address, telephone, email address
2. a curriculum vitae (1 page maximum)
3. a list of publications (1 page maximum)
3. a brief bio (up to150 words).
Further information available at http://www.ems-network.org and http://www.ak.tu-berlin.de/ems2014
Organisation Committee: Fabian Czolbe (Berlin) | Dr. Julia H. Schröder (FU Berlin) | Volker Straebel (TU Berlin) | Prof. Dr. Martin Supper (UdK Berlin)