Von: Andrea Valle
Betreff: EMOTIONS on the PLANET EARTH: Call for artworks
Datum: 27. August 2013 14:17:15 MESZ
Call for artworks
In the context of ESSEM 2013 Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment in Social and Expressive Media we propose a call for artworks.
Although sentiment analysis and emotion detection have been trending topics since a while, not enough emphasis has been placed so far on social and expressive media.Thelatter,inparticular,playakey role in applicative fields related to creativity, its expressions and outcomes, such as figurative arts, music or drama. In such fields, the advent of digital social media has brought about new paradigms of interactions that foster first-person engagement and crowdsourcing content creation: the subjective and expressive dimensions move to the foreground, opening the way to the emergence of an affective component within a dynamic corpus of contents – created or enriched by users.
Artistic creation and performance seems to be a very interesting testbed for cross- validating and possibly integrating approaches, models and tools for automatically analyzing and generating emotion and sentiment. In fact, in such context the social and subjective dimension naturally emerges, think for instance to feedbacks by visitors of a real or virtual art exhibition, or to the audience-oeuvre (or audience- performance) interaction. Moreover, expressive features of the artistic performance can provide an interesting case study for evaluating systems for automatic generation of emotional behaviors.
For a detailed discussion of the ESSEM workshop’s topics you may refer to the call for papers at http://di.unito.it/essem.
_Artworks and demo_
Practitioners may submit both an artwork and a demo paper. For the artwork they must find the following instructions, for the demo they must follow the workshop call for paper.
_Types of works_
We will welcome a wide range of topics and format (installation, performance, software application, music, sound design, graphic, etc.), but we will particularly consider works that will exploit technologies such as:
– real time interaction
– web based applications -mobiledevice
– social media and communication – multimodal display
– physical computing
– data visualization/auralization
– feedback systems
The selected works will be discussed within the workshop and exhibited for the duration of the conference in a specific venue in Turin (to be defined).
– September 30th, 2013: Artwork submission deadline
– October 31st, 2013: Notification of acceptance
– December 3rd, 2013: Workshop date
_Artwork submission information_
All artworks must be presented with
– One page concept + Technical raider (one document)
– photo and/or graphic and/or audio and/or video documentation
All submissions must be written in English.
Please submit your text contributions electronically in PDF format to EasyChair https://www.easychair.org/conferences/? conf=essem2013.
Important: when you fill the submission form on EasyChair, select the „artwork“ category.
For photo, video, and audio documentation, please include in the one page concept the links at your preferred
repositories (i.e. Flickr, Vimeo, Youtube, etc…). Use only public repositories with no account needed.
All the accepted artworks will be displayed in a public venue in Turin for the duration of the conference.
At least one author of each accepted artwork is expected to attend the workshop to present the paper.
_Artistic Committee_
Antonio Attisani, University of Torino, Italy
Antonio Pizzo, University of Torino, Italy
Andrea Valle, University of Torino, Italy Stefano Bassanese, Conservatorio di Torino, Italy
Giorgio Vaccarino, artist, Italy
Ali Zaidi, artist, UK
If you have any questions regarding the call for artworks please send us an e-mail to: antonio.pizzo@unito.it; andrea.valle@unito.it
Workshop web site:
_Program Chairs and Organizers_
Cristina Bosco, University of Torino, Italy
Erik Cambria, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Rossana Damiano, University of Torino, Italy
Viviana Patti, University of Torino, Italy
Paolo Rosso, Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Andrea Valle
CIRMA – StudiUm
Università degli Studi di Torino
–> http://www.cirma.unito.it/andrea/
–> http://www.fonurgia.unito.it/andrea/
–> http://www.flickr.com/photos/vanderaalle/sets/
–> http://vimeo.com/vanderaalle
–> http://www.youtube.com/user/vanderaalle
–> andrea.valle@unito.it