[ 4. Februar 2012 ]

CALL – EMUFest 2012 call for works

Von: Festival Internazionale di Musica Elettroacustica
Datum: 26. Januar 2012 10:25:55 MEZ
Betreff: EMUFest 2012 – bando – call for works – convocatoria

Festival Internazionale di Musica Elettroacustica del Conservatorio S.
Cecilia 2012
Only sixty years after its introduction, Electronic and
Electroacoustic Music has already world wide circulation. A large
majority of music that we listen to is now produced, at least partly,
with electronic means, through which many of the sounds of our time
are developed.

Nowadays much of what we have come to think of as ‚art related music‘
is electroacoustic music: it is created in private and public
production and research centres throughout the world; it is also
common, however, that individual composers use their own personal
equipment. The field of electroacoustic music is properly at the
attention of applied research.

The study of new methods of analysis, synthesis and elaboration of
sound is extremely important not only for art related music, but also
for industries involved in electronic musical instruments and
professional audio. Universities in many different countries work in
this field of research, others are dealing with the questions relative
to the perception of organized sound, investigating the cognitive
aspects of the enjoyment of music. Original methodologies have
developed within the sphere of musicology for the analysis of this
kind of music as well, and this has led to remarkable
contributions to considerations being made on music itself.

Electroacoustic music, therefore, represents an interdisciplinary
field, the meeting place of art, science and technology. Different
kinds of expertise meet, where the specificity of each must be
overcome and the gaze must be raised higher than ones own province in
order to build together a knowledge, creation and expression.

The Course of Electronic Music at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory of
Rome was one of the first in Italy. The first teacher was Franco
Evangelisti, one of the foremost representatives of the Italian and
European experimental avant-garde. Thanks to him, its first
professor, the School of Electronic Music of Rome has been known since
then for the quality and depth of the specialization in composition.


00187 ROMA
Via dei Greci, 18 C.F. 80203690583
Tel. 063609671-2-3
Fax 0636001800
