Von: Michael Gatt
Betreff: eOREMA journal call
Datum: 10. Oktober 2012 11:13:30 MESZ
eOREMA journal call
The eOREMA journal is a peer-reviewed scholarly arm of the OREMA (Online Repository for Electroacoustic Music Analysis) project (www.orema.dmu.ac.uk) that focuses on the analysis of electroacoustic music. The eOREMA journal will be an open access publication platform that accepts both articles that discuss analytical methodologies and analyses of electroacoustic music compositions in the broadest sense (which can range from acousmatic music to installations and electronica). We encourage both new and established researchers to contribute.
Whereas the OREMA project allows for any participant to submit works directly to the OREMA website, eOREMA journal submissions will be reviewed by specialists before they are included on the eOREMA journal part of the site. Unlike the OREMA project, submissions to eOREMA journal will not be maintained under a Creative Commons licence and rights will be retained by the author and eOREMA.
First call theme
There is no particular theme for the first issue of the eOREMA journal, rather we encourage people to submit an article that might cover one or more of the following themes:
– New analytical tools or methodologies
– Discussion of existing analytical tools or methodologies
– Analysis of a particular category of electroacoustic music or an analysis of an electroacoustic music composition (these can encompass acousmatic music, installations, mixed music, electronica etc.). You are encouraged to look at the submissions to the OREMA website for examples of what might be acceptable. If you choose to analyse one of your own works we ask that firstly the composition is publicly available (or documented if it is an installation) and that any self-analysis goes beyond the poietics of the piece and discusses broader issues, such as the listening experience. Analyses of works might cover the application of a new or existing tools or methodologies. Comparative analysis of two or more compositions is also possible.
Submissions that are outside our theme are also welcome provided they are within the scope of the journal i.e. electroacoustic music analysis.
Submission guidelines
We ask that all contributors send a declaration of intent giving the topic of the proposed article/analysis before submission – indeed as soon as possible.
Papers should not normally exceed 7,000 words and should be accompanied by a 200 word abstract. All submissions must be the final version and not a working draft, and be in Word (.doc) format. Graphic elements of an analysis should normally be integrated into the Word document. However, larger images may also be sent as an accompanying PDF, TIFF or PNG file (for example, substantial score transcriptions, high definition pictures, etc.). Please reference the source of the composition you are analysing.
In the final version, as published, accompanying media examples may be included. If you choose to use media examples within your paper you must obtain the permissions to do so. For the submission process please do not hyperlink or embed within the document, but submit media examples individually.
All submissions to eOREMA must be original contributions to the field of electroacoustic music analysis and not published elsewhere. Articles/analyses will be reviewed by at least two referees.
All submission should be sent to: theoremaproject@gmail.com. We will not be excepting any hard copy for submissions. Please contact the above email if the file size of the submission cannot be sent via email and we will try to find an alternative means to receive them (for example Dropbox).
Submission format
Format guidelines will be sent to authors who’s submissions have been accepted.
eOREMA journal issue 1 schedule
Wednesday 10th of October 2012 – Call for eOREMA journal
Friday 4th of January 2013- Deadline for submission of completed article/analysis
Monday 4th of February 2013 – Notification to contributors of peer review outcomes
Monday 25th of February 2013 – Deadline for submission of changes where requested
Monday 18th of March 2013 – Notification to contributors of final peer review outcomes
Monday 25th of March 2013 – Deadline for final edited submissions
Wednesday 3rd of April 2013 – First issue of eOREMA journal
eOREMA journal peer reviewers
Dr Simon Atkinson
Prof Marc Battier
Prof Michael Clarke
Dr John Dack
Prof Simon Emmerson
Dr David Hirst
Prof Andrew Hugill
Dr Gary Kendall
Prof Leigh Landy
Dr Cathy Lane
Dr Katharine Norman
Prof Robert Normandeau
Prof Tae Hong Park
Prof Peter Stollery
Prof John Young
We look forward to your contributions,
The eOREMA journal steering committee