Von: Monty Adkins
Betreff: call for journal papers
Datum: 7. März 2013 21:23:53 MEZ
Sound.Music.Image Research Centre Call for Papers
The University of Huddersfield through its Divergence Press Journal and the Centre for Research in New Music, CeReNeM, announces a call for papers and practice-led reports on areas related to its new Sound•Music•Image research centre (SMI/rc).
Subjects include audiovisual composition, audiovisual performance, videogame music, film music and music for moving image interactive or fixed, sound design, etc.
As the journal is open access and entirely digital, and available online, we particularly encourage authors to make use of the richness of media allowed by the internet. Every effort will be made to embed examples and references within the body of the text to enable an uninterrupted reading/viewing/listening experience. In contrast with journals where music or visuals are presented as auxiliary web links or CD/DVDs to complement the text, this media seems essential to us and thus we aim to present it integrated.
Please submit all entries and enquiries to Dr. Julio d’Escriván : j.descrivan@hud.ac.uk
The deadline for submission is August 31, 2013.
This is a peer-reviewed journal. All manuscripts will be reviewed by editors prior to acceptance. The journal is free of charge and will only be available online.
Papers should be no more than 8000 words and should adhere to the journal’s guidelines, although particular attention for this issue must be made to the format for media:
Audio files: aiff or wav @ 44.1KHz, 16bit.
Video files: H.264 codec at 24fps, High-definition preferred (720p)
Video or audio can also be presented embedded from Soundcloud, Vimeo or Youtube, most preferably in High Definition. Please include HTML5 embed code for where you would like the material to appear.
Traditional text guidelines can be found at http://www.hud.ac.uk/cerenem/submission-guidelines/.
Julio d’Escriván
Director of the Sound•Music•Image research centre
School of Music Humanities and Media
University of Huddersfield