[ 21. Januar 2011 ]

CALL FOR PAPERS – MuSa 2011 Baden-Baden

Von: John Dack
Datum: 20. Januar 2011 12:03:35 MEZ
Betreff: MuSa 2011

First call for papers: Second International Symposium on Music and
Sonic Art: Practices and Theories – MuSA 2011, Baden-Baden, Germany,
August 2011.

Proposals for sessions and individual papers for the Second
International Symposium on Music and Sonic Art: Practices and Theories
are invited from academics, practitioners and post-graduate students.
The aim of the symposium will be to advance interdisciplinary
investigations between the domains of music and other arts.

First, the organizers welcome presentations in ‘traditional’
subject areas such as historical/critical musicology, performance
studies, aesthetics, analysis and ethnomusicology. Second, as the
symposium’s title suggests, we hope to encourage the submission of
papers investigating relationships (and possible tensions) between
music and sonic/sound art. Third, presentations are also invited from
scholars who are researching the connections between music and
disciplines such as architecture, dance, performance, theatre, digital
media, painting, theatre and literature.

All papers will be ‘blind’ peer-reviewed by the symposium
conference committee and published in the conference proceedings.

The Second International Symposium on Music and Sonic Art: Practices
and Theories, is a two-day event and will be held in Baden-Baden,
Germany. The symposium will be held in English. The provisional dates
are August 1-2, 2011. MuSA 2011 is part of the InterSymp 2011
Conference. Please see: http://www.iias.edu.

Please note the following dates:

MARCH 19, 2011 Abstract due
APRIL 4, 2011 Notice of Acceptance
MAY 1, 2011 Conference Registration and fees due
MAY 9, 2011 Final paper due
AUGUST 1-5, 2011 InterSymp 2011 Conference in Baden-Baden,

To see a more detailed call for papers please refer to the MuSA 2011
web site:
http://web.me.com/johngeorgedack/MuSA_2011/ or contact the symposium

Prof. Dr. Mine Doğantan Dack (Music Department, Middlesex University)
Dr. John Dack (Lansdown Centre for Electronic Art, Middlesex
University) – j.dack@mdx.ac.uk;

Kind regards,
The MuSA 2011 Conference Committee
