Von: Fabian Czolbe
Datum: 2. Februar 2011 12:24:47 MEZ
Betreff: call for paper – notation in creative processes
»Notation in creative processes«
International graduate conference of DFG-Graduiertenkolleg
„Schriftbildlichkeit“ at Freie Universität, Berlin (D) in cooperation
with eikones – National Centre of Competence „Iconic Criticism“,
University of Basel (CH)
Berlin, 2011, July 13th – 15th
– Call for papers
The creative process in art and science makes use of many different
kinds of notation. The wide variety of notational methods, in turn,
gives rise to structures which alter and redefine our understanding of
the discipline or genre in which the work is being carried out.
Notational systems open up spaces within individual creativity that
enable thinkers and artists to plumb the inner workings of ideas, and
develop unconventional solutions to problems. The notation used in a
creative act often makes use of existing notational systems, but
equally as often modifies them, or even replaces them with entirely
new ones developed within the specific conditions of the problem or
project being tackled. Each new notational system helps redefine the
parameters of the creative process.
What are the conditions that define the role of notation in artistic
and scientific creativity? What creative potential does notation
unlock? Our conference aims to investigate these crucial questions
with the help of notational and creative phenomena taken from many
artistic, scholarly and scientific contexts. The following questions
will help guide our inquiry:
– Upon what rules or constraints is notation dependent when it avails
itself of elements of a pre-established notational system?
– What conditions does notation require in order to be effectively
– What potential do individual notational systems or methods possess,
especially in relation to their alternatives? Comparing approaches can
help us to see to what extent unconventional notational formats cross
traditional epistemological boundaries – especially in relation to
traditional methods of notation.
– What creative potential is revealed by the transcription-process
implicit in many notational systems? What possibilities come to light
in the intra- and inter-medial translations and adaptations that play
such an essential role in realizing creative work?
– What methodological approaches are suited to describing various
notational configurations and their creative potential?
The international, English-language, graduate student conference is
open to young scholars from all disciplines interested in the
questions and phenomena surrounding the role of notation in creative
processes. All speakers will be asked to give a twenty-minute
presentation and lead an in-depth discussion immediately following
their talk. The conference will take place at the Free University,
Berlin. Keynote lectures will be given by Professor Sybille Krämer
and other distinguished scholars in the field.
Requirements for submitting a conference talk proposal:
First and last name of the presenter
Institutional affiliation
Biography of presenter (maximum 1200 characters)
Mailing address, telephone number and email address
Proposed title of talk
Abstract (maximum 3000 characters), clearly presenting the subject,
objectives and methodology used
Selective bibliography (3-8 references) and principle sources used
(archives, experimental or ethnographic data, etc.).
Deadline for submission of proposals:
Proposals should be sent before 15. March 2011 as an email with an
attached Word file to the address papers@schriftbildlichkeit.de.
Conference talk proposals (abstract and selective bibliography) will
be submitted to the conference committee. Notification of selection
will be sent to presenters within four weeks. Funds are available to
cover travel expenses for some conference participants.
Organising Committee:
Fabian Czolbe (Research Training Group „Notational Iconicity“/Berlin
David Magnus (eikones/Basel (CH))
Mark Halawa (Research Training Group „Notational Iconicity“/Berlin (D))
Elisabeth Birk (Research Training Group „Notational Iconicity“/Berlin
Rainer Totzke (Research Training Group „Notational Iconicity“/Berlin
Institutional Support:
The Research Training Group „Notational Iconicity“: On the
materiality, perceptibility and operativity of writing at Freie
Universität Berlin, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
eikones – National Centre of Competence (NCCR) „Iconic Criticism – The
Power and Meaning of Images“, Cluster „Image – Writing – Ornament“