[ 26. Juni 2012 ]

CALL – for Submissions: Noise Non-ference

From: Aaron Einbond
Date: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 4:29 AM

Research Fellow
Center for Research in New Music (CeReNeM)
University of Huddersfield
+49 (0) 1577 780 6208


Call for Submissions: Noise Non-ference

Whether a garbage truck motor, an intrusion of unreadable data, smudges on a lens, or unwanted sound, noise is a persistent feature of perception. Rather than trying to minimize its presence, how does an embrace of the uninvited/unwanted feel?

Qubit is holding an open call for scores of any aesthetic direction,
performance proposals musical or otherwise, visuals of any medium, and writings of all formats from tweets to academic papers on the topic of noise. Send us your thoughts, ideas, poetry, sounds, or any other
response to noise in its broadest possible definitions and meanings.

In early 2013, Qubit will produce a performance-based event in New York City with an accompanying publication in journal/zine form. We are calling on all composers, writers, poets, artists, cultural-political
theorists (academic or armchair), and any and everyone else interested. We aim to produce an event as open as the concept of noise itself.

*Sound*: please send us no more than 1 score in pdf format (with mp3 or
weblink to a recording if possible) of an existing piece, or, a detailed
written proposal, along with a CV and 2 scores and recordings of recent
work. Please limit your instrumentation to no more than 3 performers,
not including electronics, unless you plan to provide your own
additional performers. The use of electronics is encouraged but not
required. *Please send scores and CV’s to the email below, and make the
recordings available through a **weblink (dropbox, soundcloud, etc.)*

*Text:* please submit existing works (of a reasonable length), or a
proposal for a new piece accompanied by samples of previous work.

*Visual*: Anything that can fit into a small-format book/zine (not
larger than 8.5×11), or proposals for larger works (i.e., projections,
murals, etc.) Please send existing work samples, in electronic form if
possible, along with any proposal.

*Performance: *Proposals will be considered for any kind of sound or
visual performance piece realizable indoors, in a gallery/concert venue.

We look forward to your contributions.

– Alec Hall, Bryan Jacobs, and Aaron Einbond, curators


Please address all questions and submissions to
by *August 15th, 2012*

