[ 28. August 2012 ]

CALL FOR WORKS – „Cinema in the dark“ program to be screened in India in Feb. 2013

Von: Sandeep Bhagwati
Betreff: CALL FOR WORKS „Cinema in the dark“ program to be screened in India in Feb. 2013
Datum: 28. August 2012 01:00:44 MESZ

„Cinema in the dark“ program to be screened in India in Feb. 2013

Deadline: September 2, 2012


Conceived in 2006, ((audience)) is dedicated to the advancement of aural arts by providing wide distribution and new contexts for works by emerging and established sound artists and composers. The centerpiece of ((audience)) is an unprecedented project that explores the cinema as a 21st century concert hall: a selection of 5.1 surround sound art works by international artists presented in movie theaters as „cinema in the dark.“

((audience)) seeks 5.1 surround sound art works or stereo works that directly represent the unique soundscapes — urban, rural and media-based — of the Indian subcontinent. We are particularly interested in audio compositions that emphasize spatial experimentation and/or treat cinema as a unique format for storytelling and the organization of time.
Submitted works should relate to one of two themes: „Soundscapes“ and/or „Bollywood in the Dark.“ „Soundscapes“ is open to international and Indian artists. Works in this category may have any subject or organizing conceit but must use field recordings from the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, etc.) as their source material. Shorts (5-15 minutes) or feature-length (20-90 minutes) works may be submitted.
„Bollywood in the Dark“ is open to international artists, though preference will be given to Indian artists. Works in this category may be narrative sound films; playful reflections on Bollywood tropes and clichés; critical experiments with Bollywood musical context; or new musical compositions built from samples of popular film. Shorts (5-15 minutes) or Feature-length (30-70 minutes) works may be submitted. Only one feature will be selected.
Selected 5.1 surround sound art works will be presented in a completely dark cinema environment without visual accompaniment as part of the Khoj International Artists‘ Association’s 25th Anniversary celebration. Selected stereo works will be presented in a related side program over the radio at a date to be announced.

Artist fees will be determined in September 2012.

Once we receive your submission form, we will send you an invitation via email to access our secure Dropbox submission folder. Once you receive that information, log-in and submit all materials in an archived folder (.zip, .rar, or .tar.gz) labeled with your full name. Depending on the type of submission, you should submit your audio as a stereo file, or as a wav or playable surround sound DVD disc image. For more information, contact us at curators [at] au.dience [dot] org.

(1) A playable DVD (disc image) with the surround sound mix
(2) Multiple mono .wav files (four files for quad OR six files for 5.1)
(3) A stereo .wav or .mp3 file

We recommend 24bit/48khz bit depth/rate for .wav files.
