Von: CEC jef chippewa
Datum: 25. Februar 2011 02:33:35 MEZ
Betreff: [CALL] JTTP 2011 — Call for Works / Appel d’oeuvres
JTTP 2011 — Jeu de temps / Times Play
Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic
Call for New Works from Young and / or Emerging Sound Artists /
The deadline for submission to the annual JTTP competition is 1 May
2011. More information on how to submit your work and eligibility is
found at the following web address: http://cec.concordia.ca/jttp/call.html
As of the 2010 edition, multichannel submissions and videomusic works
may be submitted to JTTP.
jef chippewa & Yves Gigon, CEC
Contact: jttp@econtact.ca