Von: CEC
Betreff: Appel d’oeuvres Futura 2013 / Call for works Futura 2013
Datum: 19. November 2012 22:08:59 MEZ
Festival FUTURA 2013 – Call for works „Portrait“
For its 2013 edition, the Futura festival invites composers and sound artist to work on the notion of portrait.
The portrait is obviously a description of a person, a metaphoric, poetic or literal appropriation of a set of physical and moral aspects, of behaviours; it is a way to approach an intimacy. It is a dialogue between the author of the portrait and its subject. This dialogue, real or fictitious, is most of the time the work’s material itself.
But we can also conceive the portrait on a much larger scale: the portrait as an evocation of a place, a moment, a feeling. A portrait as a trace of the inexpressible, of the ephemeral. The acousmatic music and its derivates (hörspiel, sound installations…), full of possibilities, can take for itself these parts of reality (people, places, moments of life…) and recreate them in the intimate fiction that is the portrait (or the self-portrait).
We expect strong proposition, from realistic to abstract, that would weave the portrait of an art where invention matters. Invention as a portrait of its own capacities.
-Only tape works accepted (acousmatic, musique concrète, radiophonic art, sound installation…), no real time or anything involving live instruments.
-Only two works by composer can be sent (no limitations for the works with video).
-Stereo works will be prefered (for the multitrack works, a stereo version is needed for evaluation purpose).
-Works must be sent on audio CD (or data CD for multitrack works) to: Futura-Guillaume Contré, 46 rue du Docteur Léonce Basset, 93400 Saint Ouen, France.
-The inscription form, to be downloaded directly from the Futura website, must be conpleted and sent via e-mail to: info@festivalfutura.fr.
Propositions must be sent before February 28th 2013.
Festival Futura
Guillaume Contré
46 rue du Docteur Léonce Basset
93400 Saint Ouen