[ 27. Oktober 2013 ]

CALL – Image & Resonance II

Von: elsajustel
Betreff: Image & Resonance II / Call for works / Appel d’œuvres
Datum: 25. Oktober 2013 02:36:08 MESZ

„Image & Resonance II“

Cycle of Electroacoustic Visual Music 2014

The Foundation Destellos is pleased to announce the second Cycle of Electroacoustic Visual Music „Image & Resonance“

With this initiative, began in 2010, the Foundation proposes to open a new space intended to uphold the work of contemporary sound and visual artists.

The presentations will take place along the year from April till November, in the Hall of Cultural Space Los Gallegos of Mar del Plata, Argentine. This space of 290 seats is placed downtown in the city. With this format the Foundation looks for create a regular location where artists could meet and share impressions and experiences with their public.

The call will be open to composers and visual artists of any age, till February 15th 2014. Attendance is not required but we will be happy to receive everybody in Mar del Plata city. The foundation cannot support travel costs but offers a limited number of lodging. Those who want to be considered for room can mark it on the submission form.

Participation requirements:

1. Artists can send electroacoustic visual music (max. 6′).
2. The hall is equipped with a stereo sound system, CD/DVD player and projector.
3. Artist must send only one work by Internet with We Transfer: info@fundestellos.org
4. Accepted format is QuickTime.mov, without compression. (Any other format will not be accepted, except if the composer provides his/her own equipment for projection)
5. The files must be marked with the title of the work and the name of the artist (ex: „mywork-dupont“)
6. Participants are required to do a donation of 15U$A, paid by Pay Pal, (find the „Donate“ button on the website: http://www.fundestellos.org/pageune.htm)
7. Candidates must also send the fulfilled submission and a certificate of the PayPal payment.
8. Please, don’t send audio neither video files by e-mail !

More info : info@fundestellos.org
