[ 16. Februar 2012 ]

CALL – International Festival for Innovations in Music Production and Composition

Von: Dale Perkins
Datum: 14. Februar 2012 15:56:24 MEZ
Betreff: International Festival for Innovations in Music Production and Composition – Call for papers and music

Dear all,

Just a brief reminder that the call for music and papers will close after 20th February 2012. If you still wish to submit, please find further details at the following link.


Michel Chion is our keynote artist (performing on 27th April).

There will also be a special guest lecture by LCoM’s visiting professor, David Toop (speaking on 26th April).

Best wishes


Dr Dale Perkins
Head of Postgraduate Studies & Research Centre
Leeds College of Music, 3 Quarry Hill, Leeds, LS2 7PD

0113 2223430
