[ 21. April 2012 ]

CALL – JTTP 2012 (deadline 1 May)

Von: CEC jef chippewa
Datum: 20. April 2012 10:49:47 MESZ
Betreff: LAST CALL JTTP 2012 (deadline 1 May)

Times Play 2012 (JTTP)
Call for New Works from Young and / or Emerging Sound Artists /

Final call for submissions to JTTP 2012!!! Please remind your friends
and students about the upcoming DEADLINE (1 May). JTTP is an annual
project aimed at promoting and celebrating new electroacoustic works
from young and/or emerging sound artists/composers from (or living in)

[CALL/APPEL] Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium – TES 2012
Deadline 23 April / Date limite 23 avril

Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic
http://cec.sonus.ca | cec@sonus.ca
http://facebook.com/cec.sonus | http://twitter.com/CEC_ca
