Von: Peter Hudston
Betreff: ‚Making Sound Objects‘ – A One Day Conference, Pitt Rivers Museum 24th November 2012. Call for Papers attached.
Datum: 16. August 2012 14:01:23 MESZ
Dear All,
Please see the attached flyer for a call for papers for this year’s British Forum for Ethnomusicology annual One Day Conference, to be held at the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford on Saturday November 24th 2012.
“Making Sound Objects: Cultures of Hearing, Recording, Creating and Circulation”
This conference explores the contemporary and historical creation, collection and circulation of sound and sound-producing objects.
Please email proposals for papers and presentations to: noel.lobley@prm.ox.ac.uk
(200-250 word abstracts, plus any relevant MP3 sound files and images if applicable) by Friday October 19th 2012.
Many thanks,
Dr Noel Lobley
Stipendiary Lecturer in Music, St John’s College, University of Oxford
Ethnomusicologist and Researcher at the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford