Von: „corynrrsmethurst@tiscali.co.uk“
Betreff: Metanast, UK – Open call
Datum: 22. Februar 2014 19:00:08 MEZ
Metanast is an upcoming series of sonic art events. These events provide a space for artists from diverse backgrounds to showcase their work in an inclusive and friendly environment, be they academics or independently practising artists. This new series is supported by the University of Salford, Sound and Music, the Hellenic Electroacoustic Music Composers Association (HELMCA), and the Sonic Arts Forum (SAF) and by its curators‘ wealth of experience in events production.
Launching this April, Metanast is inviting artists and researchers to participate and present their work within venues at MediaCityUK and Manchester’s culturally vibrant Northern Quarter district. The events will take place over two separate areas suited for live performance and installations, and feature an octophonic surround sound system, interconnected projection screens, and live web-broadcast.
We are seeking tape/fixed- media acousmatic compositions, live electroacoustic performances, laptop and DIY electronics improvisators, audio-visual installations, and presentations on technologies and methodologies relevant to sonic art. Performers from all artistic disciplines are welcome to collaborate with sonic artists be they dancers, actors, circus performers, spoken word artists, painters and sculptorsworking in both physical and digital mediums, etc.
The deadline for the April event is the 5 March 2014. Forward links to your material preferably via wetransfer to metanast@gmail.com including, in the case of installations and performances, a brief project proposal, and any relevant online links. For further information contact manolimoriaty@gmail.com