[ 3. November 2014 ]

CALL – NAISA Call due Nov 15

Subject: NAISA Call due Nov 15
Date: Darren Copeland – NAISA


This is a short reminder that the NAISA, Toronto, Canada, call for
submissions is due November 15. I would urge you to submit a piece you
have made in the past. As well, I would be delighted if you can pass
this message on to colleagues in your community.

I particularly would like to see more submissions from Toronto and
Canadian artists then we have received in the past. Submissions will be
considered for NAISA’s 2015 programming.

Works selected will be paid an artist fee. Submissions for this call do
NOT include the Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium, nor the
TransX symposium. The calls for those activities will be issued in the
near future.

Call info can be found at:

Thank you,

Darren Copeland
Artistic Director
New Adventures in Sound Art
Toronto, Ontario