[ 1. Januar 2013 ]

CALL – New Year, New Hope, New LAC 2013!

Von: IOhannes m zmoelnig – LAC 2013 Organizing Team
Datum: 31. Dezember 2012 18:48:39 MEZ

Hi all,

survived the end of the world? bored of new year’s parties?? nothing to do during Xmas holidays???

This is a friendly reminder, that the deadline for submissions to the Linux Audio Conference (LAC 2013) is slowly but inevitably approaching.

All works (papers, music, installations, workshops,…) must be submitted online by FEBRUARY 3.


happy music-and-paper-submissions,


– – – – – – – – –

LAC 2013: the Linux Audio Conference – Call for Participation
May 9-12, 2013 @ IEM, Graz/Austria

sorry for >< please >>