[ 15. Mai 2014 ]

CALL – NIME 2014: Interactive Music Notation and Representation Workshop

Subject: NIME 2014: Interactive Music Notation and Representation Workshop
Date: Sun, 11 May 2014
From: Pierre Couprie

CFP – Interactive Music Notation and Representation Workshop

Workshop website: http://tiny.cc/7e8hex

Submission Deadline: May 16, 2014 (No extensions possible!)
Notification: May 30, 2014
Workshop date: June 30, 2014

Call for participation

Computer music tools for music notation have long been restricted to
conventional approaches and dominated by a few systems, mainly oriented
towards music engraving. During the last decade and driven by artistic
and technological evolutions, new tools and new forms of music
representation have emerged. The recent advent of systems like Bach,
MaxScore or INScore (to cite just a few), clearly indicates that
computer music notation tools have become mature enough to diverge from
traditional approaches and to explore new domains and usages such as
interactive and live notation.

The aim of the workshop is to gather artists, researchers and
application developers, to compare the views and the needs inspired by
contemporary practices, with a specific focus on interactive and live
music, including representational forms emerging from live coding.
Special consideration will be given to new instrumental forms emerging
from the NIME community.

The workshop will be held in two parts:

Overview of the notation history, tools, uses and problematics:
Building a map of the different approaches, in interaction with invited
participants and with the audience will be the main focus of this part.
Online tools for mind mapping will be made available to allow remote

Practices and applications: This second part is intended to take
advantage of the NIME context to involve, discover and question the
notation issues related to new instruments, including also live coding
perspectives. For this part, we are interested in artistic experiences
as well as in technical approaches. Demonstrations will be welcome,
whether based on tools or new instruments, including electronics.

You are invited to participate to this session about music notation,
which will consist of both informal discussions and short presentations
/ demonstrations. If you would like to propose a presentation or a
demonstration, send a one page abstract before May 16 to
. A 20 minute time slot will
be allocated to each accepted proposal. Look at
http://tiny.cc/u27hex for a proposal template.

All the ressources and contributions to the workshop will be published
on the music notation web site http://notation.afim-asso.org


Dominique Fober – Grame – Lyon
Jean Bresson – Ircam – Paris
Pierre Couprie – IReMus, Université Paris-Sorbonne – Paris
Yann Geslin – INA/GRM – Paris
Richard Hoadley – Anglia Ruskin University – Cambridge