Subject:Notes#05 / Emergenze Sonore Call for scores and performances
with Agostino Di Scipio 16-17-18 May 2014 _Spazio Bocciofila, Giudecca,
Venezia, Italien
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014
From: Michele Del Prete
Notes#05 / Emergenze Sonore
Call for scores and performances with Agostino Di Scipio
16 – 17 – 18 May 2014 – Spazio Bocciofila – Giudecca, Venezia, Italia
Pas-e, association for contemporary and electronic music in Venice, and
_Spazio Bocciofila, a space for the arts on the Giudecca island, are
glad to invite composers and performers of electronic music of every age
and nationality to send electroacoustic works for a three-day workshop
ending with a public presentation in concert form.
The works and the concert will be held at the Spazio Bocciofila
(Giudecca, Venice, Italy) under the supervision of Agostino Di Scipio.
The selected participants (max. 10) will work with Agostino Di Scipio on
the site-specific aspects of their performance, thus dealing with
composition and performance issues. It is also possible to attend the
whole event as audience member.
We invite you to send your proposals (compositions/performances)
according to following categories:
category A: works for live electronics (analog and/or digital instruments).
Applications for this category will include: the filled out application
form, C.V., description of the proposed work/performance, performance
instructions, technical rider and score (if any). Sound documentation
appreciated but not compulsory.
categoria B: work for fixed media
The performance and the sound projection of the works must present
dynamical and adaptive parameters in relation to the environment where
the performance takes place. Applications to this category will include:
filled out application form, C.V., description of the proposed
work/performance, performance instructions (if any), score (if any).
Sound documentation (stereo version) compulsory.
category C: works for acoustic instruments and live sound processes
The available instruments are trumpet and viola (as single instrument or
in combination). Other instruments (or instrumentalists) can join the
works upon invitation by the selected composers/performers, but no costs
for extra instrumentalists will be covered by Pas-e.
Applications for this category will include: filled out application
form, C.V., score, technical rider, performance instructions. Sound
documentation appreciated but not compulsory.
# category D: audience members
Applications for this category will include the application form and a C.V.
Priority will be given to proposals in which the electroacoustic chain
design (sources, transducers, amplification, sound processing, sound
projection) plays a creative and dialectical role within the
compositional and performance practice – and this also in relation to
the performance environment, both in using standard electroacoustic
instruments and/or self made ones.
The applications have to be sent to by April, 13,
23.59 CET, 2014.