[ 1. Juni 2012 ]

CALL – Organised Sound 18/3 „Re-wiring Electronic Music“

Von: Leigh Landy
Datum: 30. Mai 2012 09:09:40 MESZ
Betreff: Call for submissions – Organised Sound 18/3 „Re-wiring
Electronic Music“

Call for submissions – Organised Sound 18/3 „Re-wiring Electronic Music“
Organised Sound: An International Journal of Music and Technology

Call for submissions

Volume 18, Number 3

Issue thematic title: Re-wiring Electronic Music

Date of Publication: December 2013
Publishers: Cambridge University Press

Issue co-ordinators: John Richards (jrich@dmu.ac.uk)

A new community of ‘makers’ has emerged in electronic music. These
makers are not content with using off-the-shelf ‘instruments’, but
seek to create their own devices and systems to generate sound.
Initially this would seem to have transpired through the need to
personalise and critique our relationship with ever increasing
esoteric and corporate technologies. There is a focus on the handmade,
a DIY (do-it-yourself) ethos, working directly with materials and
craft, raw analogue and hybrid electronics, and found sound and noise.

But the electronics are only part of a bigger picture. Doing it
yourself requires knowledge and inadvertently this has created forums
to exchange and share ideas and information. It is more a case of DIT
(doing-it-together). The Internet has provided a depository of
‘HowTos’, whilst the workshop has physically brought like-minded
people together from a range of disciplines to foster a new artistic
practice. The boundaries between instrument making, composing and
performing have become increasingly blurred to reveal an overriding
process and participatory approach that is as much about socio-
political concerns as electronic music. The bringing together of
practitioners into a realm of shared experiences has highlighted the
importance of collective music making and has encouraged the rise of
the large electronic music ensemble. This in-the-momentness has also
placed an emphasis on the live as opposed to the recording. By
starting from the ground up, in the very essence of how a sound is
made, there is also a predisposition towards exploration and invention
resulting in a truly experimental practice.

Running parallel with the ephemerality of the live performance, shared
experiences and sound making are the physical things that are left
behind: sound artefacts, instruments, circuits and assemblages where
sound and the plastic arts meet. Are these devices like musical scores
or documents of the artistic process, or works of art in their own
right? This issue of Organised Sound thus encourages a broad
submission from artists and theorists whose work relates to and
investigates, amongst others, the following topics:

DIT (do-it-together)
Craft through electronics
Workshop practice
Composing ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ electronics (post-Tudor)
Found sound and noise
DIY approaches
Large group electronic music
Sound objects and materialism
Electronic music as social practice

As always, submissions related to the theme are encouraged; however,
those that fall outside the scope of this theme are always welcome.



Notes for Contributors and further details can be obtained from the
inside back cover of published issues of Organised Sound or at the
following url:

http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayMoreInfo?jid=OSO&type=ifc (and download the pdf)

Properly formatted email submissions and general queries should be
sent to: os@dmu.ac.uk, not to the guest editors.

Hard copy of articles and images (only when requested) and other
material (e.g., sound and audio-visual files, etc. – normally max. 15’
sound files or 8’ movie files) should be submitted to:

Prof. Leigh Landy
Organised Sound
Clephan Building
De Montfort University
Leicester LE1 9BH, UK.

Editor: Leigh Landy
Associate Editors: Ross Kirk and Richard Orton
Regional Editors: Joel Chadabe, Lonce Wyse, Eduardo Miranda, Jøran
Rudi, Barry Truax, Ian Whalley, David Worrall
International Editorial Board: Marc Battier, Hannah Bosma, Alessandro
Cipriani, Simon Emmerson, Kenneth Fields, Rajmil Fischman, Rosemary
Mountain, Tony Myatt, Jean-Claude Risset, Margaret Schedel, Mary
Simoni, Martin Supper
