Von: Martin Supper
Datum: 20. März 2015 16:12:35 MEZ
Organised Sound: An International Journal of Music and Technology
Call for submissions
Volume 21, Number 3
Issue thematic title – Sound and Narrative
Date of publication: December 2016
Submission deadline: 15 January 2016
Issue co-ordinator: James Andean (james.andean@uniarts.fi)
Narrative plays a significant role in many approaches to the sonic arts. Attitudes have ranged from outright rejection (Schaeffer’s reduced listening), to grudging acceptance, or even a whole-hearted embrace – soundscape composition, ‚cinema for the ear‘. At the same time, the sonic arts have not escaped the so-called ’narrative turn‘, and we find an increasing number of writers and theorists turning to narrative as a significant perspective on the sonic arts.
As a result, we find a growing interest in narrative across the sonic arts: from acousmatic music, cinema for the ear, and soundscape composition, to audiovisual and installation works, live works and sound theatre, and outwards to broader areas of sound design and sound studies. In addition, we find a sometimes bewildering number of definitions and interpretations of the term ’narrative‘ – from the purely literary, to multimedia, social media, and metanarratives – and perspectives stemming from fields as diverse as aesthetics, media studies, psychology, and the social sciences.
This diversity, coupled with the explosion of interest in narrative across the arts and beyond, suggests that this might be an appropriate moment to collect thoughts and approaches to narrative in the sonic arts.
Possible areas of interest might include:
– Narratological approaches to sound
– Sonic storytelling
– „Anecdotal“ music (Ferrari)
– „World-making“ in the sonic arts
– Approaches to speech or text in the sonic arts
– Cultural aspects of narrative in sound
– Genre-specific approaches to narrative
– Narrative analysis
– Sonic rhetorics
– Historical, formative, or seminal attitudes to narrative in the sonic arts
As always, submissions related to the theme are encouraged; however, those that fall outside the scope of this theme are always welcome.
Notes for Contributors and further details can be obtained from the inside back cover of published issues of Organised Sound or at the following url:
http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayMoreInfo?jid=OSO&type=ifc (and download the pdf)
Properly formatted email submissions and general queries should be sent to: os@dmu.ac.uk, not to the guest editors.
Hard copy of articles and images (only when requested) and other material (e.g., sound and audio-visual files, etc. – normally max. 15′ sound files or 8′ movie files) should be submitted to:
Prof. Leigh Landy
Organised Sound
Clephan Building
De Montfort University
Leicester LE1 9BH, UK.
Editor: Leigh Landy
Associate Editors: Ross Kirk and Richard OrtonÝ
Regional Editors: Ricardo Dal Farra, Jøran Rudi, Margaret Schedel, Barry Truax, Ian Whalley, David Worrall, Lonce Wyse
International Editorial Board: Marc Battier, Manuella Blackburn, Joel Chadabe, Alessandro Cipriani, Simon Emmerson, Kenneth Fields, Rajmil Fischman, Eduardo Miranda, Rosemary Mountain, Tony Myatt, Jean-Claude Risset, Mary Simoni, Martin Supper, Daniel Teruggi