Von: Volkmar Klien
Betreff: Call for contributions | Personal Soundscapes | Musikprotokoll & Kunstradio
Datum: 7. August 2013 22:04:44 MESZ
An invitation to contribute soundscape works to ‚Personal Soundscapes‘ at the ORF musikprotokoll 2013.
‚Personal Soundscapes‘ is an online project initiated by the festival ORF musikprotokoll and the radio programme ORF Kunstradio. It motivates students and audio enthusiasts to collect sounds in their personal environments and create artworks from these. ‚Personal Soundscapes‘ provides tools to record and upload sounds with smartphones and will organise a workshop lead by Volkmar Klien.
To provide more context to the students‘ works and the workshop at the musikprotokoll we invite artists working in the field to share with us pieces centering on their own personal soundscapes.
A selection of these soundscape compositions will be presented at the festival ORF musikprotokoll from October 3rd – 6th 2013 in Graz/Austria as well as the radio program ‚Kunstradio‘ on Austrian National Broadcasting corporation’s Ö1 (www.kunstradio.at).
To contribute and upload your personal soundscape compositions/pieces, please go to:
While unfortunately we cannot offer you a fee for participation, we – as a matter of course – will pay royalties for pieces included in the Kunstradio broadcast on October 6th 2013.
You are also cordially invited to contribute field recordings to our soundmap. You can do this either by downloading and using our smartphone app or by manually uploading recordings you did with other devices. You will find all information on this on our website.
About musikprotokoll:
Functioning as a kind of laboratory, musikprotokoll invites the audience to embark on an exploratory journey to discover the latest developments and trends in music, with all the artistic risks that this entails. From orchestral music with the ORF Radio Symphonieorchester Wien to chamber music, from live performances to sound installations, musikprotokoll highlights a wide range of intriguingly heterogeneous forms and genres and presents works that are for the most part developed and produced specifically for the festival.
Further information on: http://musikprotokoll.orf.at/
About Kunstradio:
founded in 1987, KUNSTRADIO is a weekly program on Oesterreich 1, the cultural channel of Austrian National Radio, ORF. Conceived as a space for radio art – i.e. an art that reflects the radio medium itself – this weekly program has almost from its beginnings become much more than just that: one of its main functions became that of serving as a point of access for international visual artists, media artists, composers, writers to both the production- and transmitting means of the ORF and the international exchange and cooperation infrastructure of National Public Radio worldwide.
Further information on: http://www.kunstradio.at/
Please also forward this to people potentially interested!
All the best,
Volkmar Klien
Volkmar Klien
Mail: info@volkmarklien.com
Netz: http://www.volkmarklien.com