–Presque Rien Prize 2015–
The PRESQUE RIEN Association for its third edition, offers to composers having the desire to compose a piece with sounds from Luc Ferrari’s archives – or to use them in their project – to visit the track list
on the rotating magnetic tape – to hear the available sound files.
These sound files were collected during the ongoing digitalization of magnetic tapes and can be downloadable on request from brunhild.ferrari@orange.fr specifying in the „subject“ Price ALMOST NOTHING 3.
Also the candidates should be subject to a participation fee of 25,00 euros to be paid on the PayPal account specified on this same site at „Association & Contact“.
Needless to say that the candidates should include Luc Ferrari’s name in their presentation and every program of the performed composition.
A jury will carefully listen to the works, which should be sent to the Association PRESQUE RIEN:
Brunhild Ferrari
56, Avenue Paul Signac
93100 Montreuil – France
The selected composition will be endowed with a cash award and appear on the site lucferrari.org with the composer’s name as well as with her/his Internet link, if so desired.
The enclosed rules will give you all the details about your participation in this contest.
If in doubt, please contact us at brunhild.ferrari@orange.fr
We welcome your projects and look forward to hearing from you.
With kindest regards
Brunhild Ferrari
Created by Brunhild Ferrari, the Prize PRESQUE RIEN is biennial, and is organized by the association PRESQUE RIEN.
The Prize PRESQUE RIEN is awarded to a composer using sounds from the Luc Ferrari’s tape archives. Such sounds should inspire her/him in order to write a new composition. A collection of sound files made available can be heard on the http://www.lucferrari.org site. To obtain their use please make the request to the address brunhild.ferrari@orange.fr stating in the subject of your mail: Prize PRESQUE RIEN 3. Also the candidates should be subject to a participation fee of 2000 JPY to be paid on the PayPal account specified on the site lucferrari.org at “Association & Contact”.
This competition is open to artists regardless of age or nationality. For the competing work, these rules do not foresee any restrictions in its duration neither in its destination, neither in the use of sounds from these Luc Ferrari archives.
The Prize PRESQUE RIEN will be awarded with an amount of 1000 euros. A check will be presented to the
winner no later than December 15, 2015.
§ 4
The jury will consist of qualified individuals from the professional music world. The jury’s decision is final.
The deadline for receipt of works is September 30, 2015 (date of postmark). Candidates should send a dossier including a curriculum vitae and a letter with a detailed presentation of their composition. They must also specify the original sounds of Luc Ferrari having been used for the realization of the new work.
An agreement will be established between the winning composer and the association PRESQUE RIEN. The winner agrees that her/his work will be made available on the http://www.lucferrari.org website, either with an excerpt or in its entirety. The website will also mention the names of all those who participated to the “Call to Composers”, if so wished.
PRESQUE RIEN will reserve the right to broadcast and perform the winning work on all media, including concerts, as much as possible. This clause may also apply to works, or excerpts from works, that have not been given the award.
The copyright statement by all candidates will have to mention the name of Luc Ferrari as well as the origin of the used sounds made available by PRESQUE RIEN. The associated documentation will follow the same obligation.
§ 7
By sending the application file the composer will automatically accept these Rules.