Von: Mathieu Bouchard
Datum: 15. Februar 2011 19:04:46 MEZ
Betreff: [PD-announce] Call for papers and workshops: Pure Data
Convention 2011 (fwd)
Paper draft submission: March 28, 2011
Notification of acceptance: May 16, 2011
Final Paper submission: July 11, 2011
The 4th Pure Data Convention will be held August 08-14, 2011, at Liszt
School of Music and Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar, Germany. In custom
of the previous conventions we invite you to submit your papers
related to the Pure Data programming environment in the fields of
computer science, artistic creation and scientific research. The
papers will be rated according to academic standards such as novelty
and relevance in a peer review process. The Pd community is a
heterogeneous group of users, developers, authors, artists, musicians,
programmers; often in more than one role at a time.
Papers from widely divergent perspectives are encouraged. Some
possible topics could include:
• Libraries and externals extending Pd
• Tools built in or for Pd
• Education
• Spatialisation
• Pd on mobile devices
• Pd embedded in games and applications
• Pd as a framework for audiovisual works
Please check the website for the of terms of submission. Templates for
the Papers (LaTeX, Open/LibreOffice) will be provided soon on the
conventions home page:
The conference is held in English, thereby the papers have to be in
English. The length of a paper should be 4-8 pages, including an
abstract (50-100 words) and up to 5 keywords.
Proposals for workshops of all levels, from beginner to special
interest, may be directed my email to max.neupert at the domain uni-
A separate call for music, performances and artworks will follow soon.
Please feel free to forward this email to anybody who might be
The PureData Convention 2011 organization team.
Björn Lindig and Max Neupert