[ 25. März 2014 ]

CALL – REMINDER – Submissions to Le Caine Session (TIES 2014)

Subject: REMINDER/RAPPEL] Submissions to Le Caine Session
(TIES 2014)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014
From: CEC jef chippewa

[REMINDER/RAPPEL] Submissions to Le Caine Session (TIES 20

Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium 2014
Special Call for Submissions on Hugh Le Caine
„A Noisome Pestilence“: An Afternoon of Hugh Le Caine

To celebrate the 100th birthday of Hugh Le Caine, a special session
on the final day of TIES 2014 will be presented: „A Noisome Pestilence“.
We are now accepting proposals for papers, lecture-recitals,
compositions and performances for this session on the life and work of
Hugh Le Caine.DEADLINE 1 APRIL 2014.

Information: http://cec.sonus.ca/events/TIES/2014/call-lecaine.html
Contact: Emilie LeBel

TIES 2014 — Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium (13-17 Aug)

Communaut� �lectroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic
http://cec.sonus.ca | mailto:cec@sonus.ca
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