[ 30. Oktober 2014 ]

CALL – SMC 2015 – Call for Papers

Betreff: SMC 2015 – Call for Papers
Datum: Tue, 28 Oct 2014
Von: Victor Lazzarini

Call for Papers – Sound and Music Computing 2015


SMC 2015 will be taking place in Maynooth, Ireland, July 26 – Aug 3, 2015.
We are now inviting papers for oral and poster/demo presentations. We
are accepting
submissions examining all the core topics of the Sound and Music
Computing field,
and in particular matching this year’s topic of High Performance Sound
and Music Computing.


Auditory displays and data sonification
Computational musicology and Mathematical Music Theory
Computer environments for sound/music processing
Content processing of music audio signals
Digital audio effects
High Performance Computing for Audio
Interactive performance systems
Interfaces for sound and music
Models for sound analysis and synthesis
Multimodality in sound and music computing
Music and robotics
Music information retrieval
Music performance analysis and rendering
Perception and cognition of sound and music
Social interaction in sound and music computing
Sonic interaction design
Sound and music for VR and games
Sound/music and the neurosciences
Sound/music signal processing algorithms
Spatial audio

Important dates

15/03/2015 – submission deadline
1/05/2015 – author notification
15/06/2015 – camera-ready submission deadline

Author information:

Papers should be submitted according to the templates provided
and should be between 4 and 8 pages long.
All submissions will be fully peer-reviewed
Papers can be submitted as oral or poster/demo, but the final decision
on the category will be made by the Programme Committee.
Submissions are accepted through the Easy Chair SMC 2015 site:

Dr Victor Lazzarini
Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy,
Maynooth University,
Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland