[ 23. Februar 2012 ]

CALL – Sonification Competition for ICAD 2012

From: Bruce Walker
Subject: Call for Entries: Sonification Competition for ICAD 2012
Date: 2012 February 21 10:49:06 PM EST

Call for Entries: Sonification Competition for ICAD 2012

Theme: Listening to the World Listening

Composers, sound artists, and sonification researchers are invited to
create sonifications for the ICAD 2012 sonification competition.

About ICAD

The 18th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2012) will
be held June 18-22, 2012, at the Georgia Institute of Technology in
the heart of midtown Atlanta, Georgia. The event will mark the 20th
anniversary of the 1st International Conference on Auditory Display.
Since 1992, ICAD has been the premier international venue for the
dissemination and discussion of work related to the science, art, and
practice of sound as a communicative display. Through its active
Sonification Lab and Center for Music Technology, Georgia Tech is
pleased to host ICAD’s vibrant community of researchers and
practitioners on its campus.

Competition Theme

ICAD 2004 titled its sonification competition ‚Listening to the Mind
Listening‘ and invited entrants to sonify EEG data captured while a
subject was listening to music. The ICAD 2012 competition is inspired
by this same idea: music (or sound) about listening to music. It is
also inspired by the radical changes over the past decade in how we
listen to music and how we share our listening activities with others.
As portable media players and always-connected smartphones have become
our primary listening platforms, social media services have become our
primary sharing platforms.

This competition adopts the theme ‚Listening to the World Listening‘
as it challenges us to explore what we can learn about listening
through the analysis and sonification of social media data about

There is no static data set for this competition; instead, entrants
are invited to use a set of data APIs to obtain social media listening
data. Use of a Twitter Music Trends data feed, which aggregates music
listening data from Twitter by artist, is required. Entrants may
optionally gather related data about the tweets themselves from the
Twitter API, and about the referenced artists from the MusicBrainz and
Echo Nest APIs. Detailed information about each API is included in the
full call at http://icad2012.icad.org.

Deadline for submissions: March 1, 2012
Notification of finalists: April 1, 2012

Submission Requirements:
Sonifications may be fixed-media audio files, interactive software
programs or web sites, smartphone apps, musical performances, or sound
installations. They may sonify the data in real time or out of real
time. They may work with as little as a single set of fifty artists
from Twitter Music Trends or as much as several months worth of data
collected across all of the APIs.

Submissions must include an audio or video recording, no more than
five minutes in length, of the complete sonification, excerpts from
the sonification, or documentation of the sonification, as
appropriate. Submissions must also include a 2-4 page statement,
following the ICAD 2012 paper template, that describes the techniques
used to create the sonification and the motivations behind them.

All questions should be addressed to Jason Freeman, ICAD 2012 Music
Chair. (jason.freeman@gatech.edu)

Jury, Finalists, and Winners:
A jury will select finalists to be featured during ICAD 2012, and the
winner will be announced during the conference. The statements of each
finalist will also be published in the ICAD conference proceedings.

Alberto de Campo, Professor of Computational Art, Universität der
Künste Berlin
R. Luke Dubois, Assistant Professor of Integrated Digital Media, NYU-
Adam Lindsay, chief scientist, SocialGenius
Brian Whitman, co-founder and CTO, The Echo Nest

Full Details on the data sources and the competition, as well as an on-
line submission form, are available at:

