Subject: Call: SOUND / IMAGE Colloquium, w. Michel Chion – 7th
/ 8th November 2015
From: Andrew Hill
SOUND / IMAGE Colloquium : Exploring sonic and audio-visual practice.
7th / 8th November 2015
The Sound / Image colloquium is interested in exploring the
relationships between sounds and images, and the images which sounds can
construct by themselves.
Through a series of complementary strands – talks, screenings,
loudspeaker orchestra concerts – we will bring together artists and
academics to investigate sound and sound-image phenomena.
We are delighted to invite Michel Chion to join us as special guest,
who will present an excerpt from his latest audio-visual work, some of
his classic electroacoustic compositions and a keynote talk.
We present the following call for works to seek submissions that explore
the area of sound / image practice.
Call for Papers – We invite submissions on the following topics
including, but not limited to:
– Audio-visual composition
– Visual Music
– Interactive visual performance
– Acousmatic composition
– Sound and image relationships
– Cognition and Perception of Sound / Image Correlates
– Sonic image
– Perception of sound.
Call for Audio-visual Works – We invite composers and filmmakers to
submit their audio-visual compositions for performance (no longer than
15 minutes in duration).
Call for Acousmatic Works – We invite composers to submit acousmatic
compositions for performance (no longer than 15 minutes in duration).
Priority will be given to those attending the event.
Please submit your proposals via the following webpage:
Please share with any who may be interested.
Dr. Andrew Hill
Lecturer in Sound Design and Music Technology,
Creative Professions and Digital Arts,
University of Greenwich,
London, SE10 9LS.
> Sound Design – BA(hons):