Von: Miso Music Portugal
Datum: 12. April 2014 12:28:48 MESZ
Sound Walk 2014
Revolution & Metamorphosis:
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the 1974 Portuguese Revolution
Miso Music Portugal and the Música Viva Festival 2014 announce an international CALL for electroacoustic miniatures to make part of the MÚSICA VIVA 2014 Sound Walk installation.
Deadline: August 31, 2014
more information visit: http://www.misomusic.com
• The call is directed to composers of all ages and nationalities.
• The aim of the call is the creation of electroacoustic sound miniatures in stereo (duration must be between 2 and 5 minutes) under the theme Revolution & Metamorphosis: Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the 1974 Portuguese Revolution, that will be presented as a sound installation in Lisbon.
• Only one electroacoustic work per composer is accepted.
• All applications must be sent via http://www.wetransfer.com (or equivalent web file transfer service) in 1 single ZIP file to the email:
• The ZIP file title should be the Title of the Piece (ex. TitleOfThePiece).
• The ZIP file should contain 3 files inside a single folder:
• 1 Text file (.doc, .txt, .rtf or .pdf) with a short biography and contacts, as well as information about the piece (methods used, concept, etc.)
• 1 Audio file .AIFF or .WAV format 16bit 44,1kHz with the recording of the composer’s name and title of the piece spoken aloud (this is to be used as an announcement and will be played before each piece on the Sound Walk installation).
• 1 Audio file .AIFF or .WAV format 16bit 44,1kHz containing the piece
• The deadline for submissions is 12 P.M. GMT time, August 31st, 2014. Applications sent after the deadline will not be considered valid.
• Among all submitted electroacoustic miniatures the Festival’s Artistic Committee will select ±25 pieces to be diffused at the Sound Walk sound installation.
• Participation in this call implies the acceptance of the above rules.
The name of the ZIP file and the folder should be identical to the name of the work submitted.
All incomplete applications or those not meeting these requirements will not be taken into consideration.