Von: holly
Datum: 15. März 2012 12:46:55 MEZ
Betreff: SOUND::GENDER::FEMINISM::ACTIVISM-deadline extension March 23rd
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS – deadline for applications has been extended
to 23.3.2012.
Post-graduate Research Event
London College of Communication, University of the Arts London
May 17th 2012
We invite submissions for 10 minute contributions relating to aspects
of research in the context of sound, in its various creative and
theoretical forms, and gender. This is an open call and we welcome
responses from all relevant disciplines and will accept a variety of
formats from short academic presentations to more experimental
We are looking to share research with a view to establishing a network
of researchers and practitioners working in these areas. The final
format of the event will be generated around the contributions received.
Please send expressions of interest, including the theme, topic and
format of your presentation, of around 100 words and a short biography
of no more than 100 words by March 23rd 2012 tosoundartsevent@crisap.org
supported by CRiSAP http://www.crisap.org/
This event follows on from Her Noise Archive Symposium 3-5 May 2012
Tate Modern
A three day event investigating feminist discourses in sound,
launching with a performance and talk by Pauline Oliveros. The
symposium, which brings together contributions by leading artists,
performers, theoreticians and writers aims to provide a platform to
further develop these emergent feminist discourses in sound and music,
with an emphasis on tactics that challenge and / or infiltrate
canonical readings. The event marks the donation of the Her Noise
Archive to University of the Arts London Archives and Special
Collections housed at London College ofCommunication, and is realised
as a collaboration between CRiSAP (Creative Research in Sound Arts
Practice), Electra and Tate.