Subject: SPOR Call for proposals 2016
From: Hein Folkmar
hier ein interessanter Hinweis von Michael Beil
Folkmar Hein
SPOR festival for contemporary music and sound art invites composers and
sound artists to submit a proposal for a new work to be realized at SPOR
2016, Aarhus, DK.
November 9th 2015.
THEME OF THE CALL AND FESTIVAL IN 2016: The proposal may describe a wide
range of projects, from works for ensemble and music theatre pieces to
sound art installations. In 2016 the festival theme is WYSI(N)WYG, an
acronym for What You See Is (Not) What You Get. With this offset we wish
to pick up the ancient theme of mimesis and the related questions to
‘reality’ and take it into modern daily life; (virtual) reality, the
many personalities we have on the internet, technology, social life media, original vs. copy…
The submitted proposal should reflect the theme of the festival, handle
it either concrete or more abstract.
CONDITIONS AND JURY: The Call for Proposals is open to all types of
composers and sound artists, from all over the world. You may only
submit in one proposal. An international jury will judge the proposals
and choose five proposals to be realized at SPOR festival 2016. Each
selected composer/artist/group of artists will receive a fee of € 1.000
for realizing the work. SPOR will cover travel expenses of up to € 200
and provide two night’s accommodation in Aarhus, Denmark. If the Call
ensemble GAME (see below) finds it necessary and it is possible to
arrange dates that suit both ensemble and composer, there will be an
opportunity to rehearse with GAME before the festival in Brussels.
The jury members for Call for Proposals 2016 are:
Michael Beil (DE, Composer) Stefan Prins & Pieter Marthyssens (BE,
Artistic Directors Nadar Ensemble) Agostino Di Scipio (IT, composer and
sound artist) Tom Pauwels (BE, Artistic Director Call ensemble) Anna
Berit Asp Christensen & Anne Marqvardsen (DK, festival directors, SPOR)
The jury’s decision is final and cannot be legally challenged.
Type of works: Acoustic, electronic, electro-acoustic, sound
installation (with or without visuals), ensemble piece, solo performance
or music theatre.
Duration: For ensemble pieces and performances max. 15 min. Sound
installations will run through the whole festival.
Technical provision: 1 projector + screen; 1 stereo sound-system
(with a small mixer); 4 microphones.
Further instrumentalists, performers or technical equipment must be
provided by the artist/composer.
Non-technical items such as costumes, scenery and materials for
installations must be provided by the artist/composer.
Ensemble/instruments available – tutti or in smaller formations:
GAME (Ghent Advanced Master Ensemble) under the artistic direction
of Tom Pauwels:
Ruben Martinez-Orio (percussion) Primoz Zukic (guitar/e-guitar) Hannah
Reardon-Smith (flute(s) Hanna Kölbel (cello) & Gwenaëlle Rouger
GAME unites different collaborations between the students from the
Advanced Master of Contemporary Music programme at the Royal
Conservatory, Ghent, supported by Ictus and Spectra. GAME is the banner
under which a young vanguard of excellent musicians joins forces, create
new works and open-mindedly explore the most recent trends of the
contemporary music scene.
Contact: Tom Pauwels, (pauwels (a)
More info:
VENUES: Concert and staged works will be presented at one of the
main venues of the festival. Installations can be presented at
various venues in Aarhus (indoor/outdoor), agreed with the festival.
Fill out the PDF-form with your personal info, a
short description of your proposal and links to 2-3 sound
or video files that represent your work from the last 5 years. (download
the form here:
Maximum 2 pages of text as PDF describing
one work that you wish to create and realize at the SPOR
festival 2016 + link to streaming of video and/or sound file sketches
Please name the file “Proposal_text”
CV. Please name the file “CV”
Accompanying scores in PDF format are also welcome but optional.
TIMELINE: 9. Nov. 2015: Deadline for sending in proposals.
Primo January 2016: The 5 chosen proposals will be
announced in the SPOR newsletter and on social media platforms.
1. March 2016: Deadline for delivering scores, parts and technical riders.
12.-15. May 2016: Performance/presentation at SPOR festival 2016 in Aarhus.
WHERE TO SEND THE PROPOSAL: call(at)sporfestival(dot)dk
CONTACT INFORMATION: SPOR festival Anne Bøgh (production manager)
SPOR is not able to consider proposals that do not conform to the
guidelines outlined above. Furthermore, the jury/SPOR reserves the right
to choose less than 5 proposals.