[ 6. März 2012 ]

CALL – The Global Composition“-Conference: Deadline extended to March 30, 2012

Von: „Sabine Breitsameter, Prof.“
Datum: 6. März 2012 16:47:02 MEZ

Deadline was extended to March 30, 2012. Pls check the website and/or see below for updates on keynote speakers and special topics.


The Global Composition
Conference on Sound, Media and the Environment
Darmstadt/Media Campus Dieburg, July 25-28, 2012

Keynote speakers: Bill Fontana (USA), Helmi Järviluoma Mäkelä (Fi), R. Murray Schafer (CDN), Hildegard Westerkamp (CDN), and Lev Manovich (tbc).

The deadline for submissions is extended to 30 March, 2012. If you have not yet submitted a proposal for a paper/roundtable/poster/workshop/artistic work, etc. there is still some time, however the deadline is running…

more infos under:

Besides its overall conference theme, the conference will additionally put a special focus the following topics:
• Media aesthetic education and the role of listening
• The Local Composition: Analyzing the network of the global soundscape’s elements
• Listening on the Move: the method of soundwalking and the identity of place

Encouraging younger people to submit themes and to attend, the conference will provide a special next generation thread.

Our conference venue is not far from Frankfurt Airport, in beautiful historic surroundings, providing not only the productive frame for an interesting conference, but also attractive landscapes, very good wine, culinary highlights, therefore good conditions for exchange and conviviality. All this makes, too, a central starting point for your summerbreak, be it locally, nationally or internationally.

Best greetings,
Sabine Breitsameter & Claudia Soeller-Eckert
and the organisational committee
