Von: „Straebel | TU Berlin“
Datum: 29. Oktober 2010 14:48:43 MESZ
International Workshop
The musical legacy of Karlheinz Stockhausen: Looking back and forward
Kürten, August 10-11, 2011
Organised by the Department of Musicology, Georg-August-Universität,
Göttingen / Stockhausen Foundation for Music, Kürten
On 10th and 11th August 2011 the Stockhausen Foundation for Music, in
cooperation with the Department of Musicology of the
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and in the context of the annual
Stockhausen Music Courses, will hold an international workshop on the music
of Karlheinz Stockhausen. Around four years after Stockhausen’s death, the
workshop will bring world experts on Stockhausen’s music together with
younger researchers to consider the totality of the composer’s work.
Lectures and discussions will aim to provide new impulses for understanding
Stockhausen’s complete oeuvre retrospectively, and will also highlight
approaches and perspectives for future research.
The workshop will focus not only on Stockhausen’s compositions as musical
legacy, but will also look at issues of historical context, reception and
criticism, and the longer term impact of Stock hausen’s work. A further area
for reflection is impulses and influences on and through the work of
Stockhausen, especially with regard to the contemporary arts in general and
compositional practice spe cifically. In addition, the workshop will ask
what perspectives for the future are offered by Stockhausen’s music, and
what influence his music could have on the further development of
composition in the 21st century.
The two-day event will take place in Kürten during the annual Stockhausen
Music Courses, which will take place from 6-14 August 2011. The courses,
which were initiated by Stockhausen himself and will be held in 2011 for the
14th time, were set up to give younger performers, sound technicians,
researchers and interested listeners the chance to learn more about
Stockhausen’s music, its performance practice and its musical and aesthetic
context, directly from leading musicians and musicologists including many
who worked with Stockhausen himself for many years. For this reason as well,
the Workshop is especially directed at younger scholars, in whose current
research (e.g. doctoral and post-doctoral projects) the conference topics
play a role.
Contributions are welcomed in the form of individual papers (20-30 minutes).
The workshop will feature time for questions as well as roundtable
discussions with researchers, composers, and musicians. It is intended that
the conference proceedings will be published.
The conference language is English. Abstracts not exceeding 500 words and a
brief CV should be sent as e-mail attachments, by January 15, 2011, to
stockhausen-workshop at web.de
The conference organizers will strive to assist younger colleagues in
particular with covering travel and accommodation costs.
More information is available via the conference website:
and on the official website of the Stockhausen Foundation:
or by contacting Dr. Imke Misch and Prof. M.J. Grant via
stockhausen-workshop at web.de.