Von: antony maubert
Betreff: electroacoustic music call for work
Datum: 11. Oktober 2012 12:37:47 MESZ
UNDÆ! came out from the collaboration between Campo de Interferencia and netlabel Thrmnphone. Its aim is to enlarge audience of fixed media musics of any kind of aesthetic through a concert series in Madrid (and a posible tour in Spain) and release on the netlabel.
Call for works :
UNDÆ! project is looking for works for its new concert series and releases on netlabel. The works must be for composed for electronic media or CD and concert difusion on speakers.
There are 3 categories :
A) Works from 1 to 8 channels, duration up to 3 hours. Deadline 14th of october.
B)Works of duration from 25 to 35 minutes and stereo format. I can be one block music or various parts. Deadline 13th of november.
C) Works of duration up to 10 minutes and stereo format. Deadline 14th of october.
UNDÆ! do not have any king of financial support and can’t pay any royalties. The propose of this project is to expose your music to larger audience. By sending your music you accept it will be performed in the UNDÆ! concerts under this considerations.
Send your music, bio, program notice with the category of each work to proyectoundae@gmail.com. The format for the pieces should be WAV or AIFF at 44.1 kHz and 16 bit . For multichannel works send a stereo mix we will contact you in case your work is selected.