[ 9. Januar 2013 ]

CALL – „Understanding Visual Music – UVM 213“ Buenos Aires

Von: CEC
Betreff: call for papers and works -> „Understanding Visual Music – UVM 213“ int’l conference [CEIArtE – UNTREF] Buenos Aires
Datum: 2. Januar 2013 17:14:58 MEZ

Understanding Visual Music – UVM 2013
Colloquium + Concerts x Visual Music
August 8th and 9th, 2013
Buenos Aires – Argentina

The Electronic Arts Experimentation and Research Centre – CEIArtE (Centro de Experimentación e Investigación en Artes Electrónicas) of the National University of Tres de Febrero (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero) in Argentina is inviting to submit papers and artworks about videomusic to be considered for the Understanding Visual Music – UVM 2013 symposium. The event will be co-produced with the San Martín Cultural Centre and the Planetarium of Buenos Aires. The symposium will be held on August 8th and 9th of 2013, in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

THEME: Considering that part of the symposium will be held in a Planetarium, the theme „From macro to micro“ suggests the possibility of exploring multiple universes that we are just beginning to discover.

GOALS: The goals of this event are: [1] to create an opportunity for artists and researchers involved with “visual music” to share and discuss artistic, aesthetic, perceptual, technological, educational, and sociocultural themes relevant to this field, and [2] to welcome interdisciplinary collaboration, innovation, and cross-fertilization among creators, researchers, and educators involved in visual music and associated fields (including electroacoustics, animation, computation arts, media arts, music, film, and more).

SYMPOSIUM (colloquium + concerts): Understanding Visual Music – UVM 2013 offer an space to share and generate knowledge on “Visual Music”. The Symposium is structured upon [1] a colloquium which invites artists-researchers and academics to expose their explorations and findings in the field; and [2] concerts -open to the general public- with “visual music” works.

IMPORTANT DATES: Submissions open (papers and works): January 10th. Submissions Closed: March 23rd of 2013 – midnight Buenos Aires time. We will be announcing additional submission information soon as well as the accepted formats for the artworks. The event will run for 2 days , August 8th and 9th, 2013.

INFORMATION AND CONTACT: To contact the organizers write to ceiarte@untref.edu.ar writing in the SUBJECT: [UVM 2013]

More information: http://www.ceiarteuntref.edu.ar/uvm2013
