[ 30. Januar 2012 ]

CALL – Works, Installations & Papers: NoiseFloor Festival, Staffordshire University, UK. [2]

Von: Ninestein
Datum: 25. Januar 2012 01:29:02 MEZ
Betreff: Reminder: Call for Works, Installations & Papers: NoiseFloor
Festival, Staffordshire University, UK.

Call for Works, Live Performances, Installations & Papers: NoiseFloor
Festival, 2nd – 4th May 2012, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom.

Submission Deadline: February 1st, 2012, (12pm GMT or postmarked)
Registration fee: None
Entry fee: None

Staffordshire University Music Technology department is pleased to
invite submissions of fixed media and live works, installations and
papers for the 2012 NoiseFloor Festival. Stereo and multi-channel
audio or audio-visual works (up to 8 channels + sub) are invited for

Submission format
Please send download links to your work using one of the many file
delivery services (YouSendit, DropBox, iCloud etc) in .zip or archived
format. Please do not email file attachments.
Electronic submissions should be sent to ben.ramsay@staffs.ac.uk

Electronic submission is encouraged but physical submissions (CD/DVD
etc) can be sent to:

NoiseFloor Festival
c/o Ben Ramsay
Music Technology Department
Staffordshire University
ST18 0AD

Fixed Media works

For multi-channel works, please include a stereo reduction of the
piece as well as a multi-channel version. If you are submitting your
work via CD or DVD please ensure that the disc is labelled with the
title of the piece and composers name(s).

Along with your piece you should also submit a text file which
includes a brief programme note and biography. Please be sure to
provide a speaker map for multi-channel files or an intelligible
naming system (e.g. FR=FrontRight FL-FrontLeft FSR=FrontSideRight
FSL=FrontSideLeft RSL=RearSideLeft RSR=RearSideRight RR=RearRight
RL=RearLeft). Composers are encouraged to submit a paper in addition
to their piece.

Audio-Visual works

Movie files and links to Vimeo/YouTube are both acceptable. Electronic
submission is preferred but DVDs containing a Quicktime file or
similar can also be sent to the address above. Please be sure to
include text file which includes a brief programme note and biography.


Artists submitting installation work should initially submit an
abstract along with supporting imagery, diagrams or footage of the
installation. We are able to provide a limited number of loudspeakers,
but please contact us if you have any special requirements.


The intention of the NoiseFloor festival is to take an inclusive
approach to exploratory electronic music in all its forms and place
them together in one single event. The festival will include music
which is composed around beats as a primary compositional element as
well as music which is based around composing with texture and gesture
as formative elements. Regardless of the genre, music at the festival
will be intrinsically linked by an enthusiasm for extending the
boundaries of electronic music through sonic exploration.

Paper submissions which explore this area of research will be given
priority as will papers which cover compositional approaches to
electronic music.

Submissions are encouraged from, but are not limited to the following

Cross-genre works/research
Beat-based music
Widening access to sonic arts
Composition and aesthetics
Sociological considerations

Paper sessions will last 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions. A
lecture theatre will be provided with projector and stereo playback.

If you have any questions please use the email address above or visit
the NoiseFloor website at http://www.noisefloor.co.uk

