Von: caossonoscop
Datum: 10. September 2011 14:04:03 MESZ
Betreff: Zeppelin 2011 – Convocatoria – Convocatòria – Call
Sounds in Cause / Soundscape and economical change . Call for
electronic sound works
Call for electronic and electroacoustic sound works for Zeppelin2011 –
Sounds in Cause / Soundscape and Economic Change
The new presentation of Zeppelin2011 is devoted to influence of
economic change on soundscape. We invite everybody interested on sound
to think about this matter and send us sound works based on any
document belonging to Sounds in Cause Archive. Audio documents in mp3
and texts are available at :
For more information about Sounds in Cause, please visit :
The pieces will be played through a system of 16 loudspeakers on 9 and
10 December 2011 at the Barcelona Centre for Contemporary Culture.
After de end of every piece, a random algorithm implementing a urn
will choose in real time the following piece to be played.
Simultaneously, all works will also be available for listening in
individual stations.
All works received will be accepted provided they meet the following
1. Pieces should be NO LONGER than ten (10) minutes.
2. The format for the pieces should be WAV or AIFF at 44.1 kHz and 16
bits. Pieces may have up to 16 tracks. Each track should be in a
separate file (so a piece with 16 tracks should have 16 files each
containing a single track).
3. The following documentation should be included :
3.1. Comments on the piece.
3.2. An artistic biography of the author.
3.3. A document signed by the author either giving or refusing
explicit authorization for the piece to be posted on the internet.
3.4. A document signed by the author giving authorization for the
piece to form part of the Sonoscop sound art archive.
4. The pieces and documentation should be sent on a CD/DVD by 15
November 2011 to :
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
C/Montalegre, 5
Barcelona 08001
For more information : caos@sonoscop.net