[ 17. August 2010 ]


From: info
Date: August 17, 2010 6:07:00 AM GMT-04:00
Subject: [NetBehaviour] ********** http://GLI.TC/H ***********

********** http://GLI.TC/H ***********

GLI.TC/H is an international gathering of noise & new media
practitioners in Chicago from September 29 thru October 03, 2010!
GLI.TC/H is a physical and virtual assembly of artists, hackers,
moshers, dirty mediators, noise makers, circuit benders,
p/h/i/l/o/s/o/p/h/e/r/s, and those who find wonder in that which others
call broken. GLI.TC/H seeks: Realtime + time-based performances
(audio/video), utilizing broken/bent technologies/strategies. Workshops,
sharing knowledge of hardware/software hacking, cracking, breaking,
kludging, piracy, & tool building. Artworks and Projects, artware,
videos, games, films, tapes, code, interventions, screen-captures,
systems, websites & installations. Texts, lectures, essays, code,
articles, & hypermedia.


NetBehaviour mailing list

Dr. David Ogborn
Assistant Professor, Multimedia
Communication Studies and Multimedia
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Phone: 1-905-525-9140 ext 27603
E-Mail: ogbornd –at– mcmaster.ca
Website: http://davidogborn.net