[ 5. Oktober 2016 ]

CONFERENCE – International Conference on Live Coding 2016

Von: Ogborn, David via cec conference

Datum: Wed, 5 Oct 2016

Betreff: [cec-c] International Conference on Live Coding 2016

Hello CEC and ACMA,

Next week marks the second International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC

2016), set to take place at venues across the McMaster University campus

and the city of Hamilton. Upwards of 60 artists and artist-researchers

will spend 4 days giving workshops, panels, presentations and – above

all – performances, culminating in an algorave (all night dance event

with all the music live coded) at Hamilton’s Spice Factory.

Many conference events take place in McMaster’s LIVELab, a research

centre and performance space that includes an active acoustics system, a

large multi-channel speaker array addressed via network audio, a video

wall and a Disklavier piano. The conference will intervene in Hamilton’s

monthly art crawl, with a night of performances at art crawl venues.

Keynote presenters are Andrew Sorensen (Australia), and Amy Alexander

and Curt Miller (USA) and the algorave will be headlined by algorave

co-founder Alex McLean (UK) and closed by Mexican electronica duo Mico

Rex. Panel topics include ensembles/collaboration, live coding and

visuals, and issues of equity and inclusion.

Full details about the conference and schedule are available at the

conference website: iclc.livecodenetwork.org/2016

The conference has been made possible by support from a wide variety of

sources including a Connections grant from the Social Sciences and

Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Faculty of

Humanities, the Department of Communication Studies and Multimedia, the

School of the Arts, the Gender Studies and Feminist Research Program and

the Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship at McMaster University,

Hamilton Artists Inc, Factory Media Centre, Centre3 and others.

While all conference events are free, advance registration is required –

there are separate registrations for the conference and the algorave.

Details about registration are to be found on the Schedule page of the

above-mentioned website. These free tickets/registrations are very close

to “selling out”, so if you were thinking about coming and are ready to

commit – now might be the time…

Hope to see some of you there!

Yours truly,


Dr. David Ogborn, Associate Professor, Multimedia

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

+1-905-525-9140 ext 27603
