[ 27. September 2019 ]

DEGEM News – BERLIN – FoKo über Publikumsgeräusche in Konzerten und 3D-Audio für virtuelle Realitäten

Von: Steffens, Jochen via ak discourse
Datum: Fri, 27 Sep 2019
Betreff: [ak-discourse] FoKo über Publikumsgeräusche in Konzerten und 3D-Audio für virtuelle Realitäten

Liebe Kollegen und Studierende, liebe Interessenten an Veranstaltungen am Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation,

ich möchte Sie sehr herzlich zu unserem Forschungskolloquium am kommenden Dienstag, 1.10, um 16.15Uhr im Raum E-N 324 einladen. Im Rahmen dieses Termins werden wieder zwei Projekte vorgestellt:

Zunächst wird Sebastian Böldt seine Masterarbeit zum Thema Untersuchung von Publikumsgeräuschen vorstellen. Im Anschluss daran (gegen 16.50Uhr) wird Fabian Brinkmann seine Projektarbeit bei Microsoft über Efficient and Perceptually Plausible 3D Sound for Virtual Reality präsentieren. Kurzzusammenfassungen über die beiden Vorträge finden Sie am Ende dieser E-Mail.

Herzliche Grüße und Ihnen allen ein schönes Wochenende
Jochen Steffens


PD Dr. Jochen Steffens

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation (Sekr. EN-8)

Technische Universität Berlin
Einsteinufer 17c
10587 Berlin

Büro: +49 30 314 29161

Untersuchung von Publikumsgeräuschen (Sebastian Böldt)

The investigation of audience noise is an area that has not been researched much in literature up to now. Although the audience, for example during a concert, accounts for a large part of the background noise, little is known about its spectral composition, room acoustic influences or even mood-dependent changes. This work aims to investigate noise produced by an audience with regard to its spectral distribution and how it changes over the course of an event. Using a method by Jeong et al. (2012), audience noise from eight recordings in five different rooms were analyzed. Based on the data set, a statistical prediction model was created to assess the influence of technical background noise, room acoustics and audience mood. Results of a linear mixed model show that the audience noise level significantly dependents on the technical background noise as well as the number of spectators. In addition, two characteristic curves for the A-weighted broadband audience noise level over time could also be determined. In order to investigate the influence of the audience’s mood on the overall noise level, a self-assessment during a concert as well as a listening test were carried out. As a result, a vocabulary has been developed to describe the perceived atmosphere and acoustical properties of audience noise sounds. Alongside the three-dimensional conceptual construct obtained, it was also possible to identify exuberance as an influencing factor for mood-dependent level changes. Therefore, these findings can be used for further research with regard to audience noise synthesis and offer valuable new insights in room acoustic planning where interference noise levels, produced by an audience, are needed.

Efficient and Perceptually Plausible 3-D Sound For Virtual Reality (Fabian Brinkmann)

Due to the high computational cost of rendering 3-D graphics for virtual reality, 3-D sound rendering is typically limited to a small fraction of the total compute power. At the same time, it should be perceptually plausible and enhance the listeners‘ sense of presence and immersion. One approach to meet these goals is a parametric representation of spatial sound fields that estimates perceptually relevant aspects in an offline encoding step and efficiently decodes the 3-D sound in real-time. A common parametric model includes the time, level, and direction of arrival of the first sound and early reflections, as well as a description of the late reverberation in terms of its level and decay rate. However, rendering all early reflections would be costly. In this talk, we suggest an end-to-end pipeline for the detection and rendering of perceptually relevant early reflections and evaluate its quality depending on the number of included early reflections.