Von: Steffens, Jochen via ak discourse
Datum: Sat, 12 Jan 2019
Betreff: [ak-discourse] Forschungskolloquim über 3D-Wellenfeldsynthese
Liebe Kollegen und Studierende, liebe Interessenten an Veranstaltungen am Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation,
ich lade Sie sehr herzlich zum Forschungskolloquium am kommenden Dienstag (15.01., 16.15Uhr) im Raum E-N 324 ein. Im Rahmen dieses Termins wird Mert Aslantürk seine Masterarbeit zum Thema Simulation of a commercial 3D wave field synthesis system vorstellen. Eine Kurzzusammenfassung des Vortrags finden Sie, wie immer, am Ende dieser E-Mail.
Herzliche Grüße und Ihnen allen ein schönes Wochenende
Jochen Steffens
PD Dr. Jochen Steffens
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation (Sekr. EN-8)
Technische Universität Berlin
Einsteinufer 17c
10587 Berlin
Büro: +49 30 314 29161
The latest technological advancements and broadened accessibility of digital signal processing tools made the development and usage of spatial audio playback systems more popular in the audio industry. Wave field synthesis (WFS) is a spatial audio playback technology, which uses an extensive amount of transducers to synthesize the correct wave field of sound sources. This technology provides new solutions for complex acoustic problems by controlling the propagation characteristics of wave fronts. Nevertheless, the efficiency of these new solutions provided by the WFS must be predicted and optimized initially in virtual environments. Predicting the acoustic behavior of WFS systems is not a trivial task for the existing acoustic simulation softwares. In this thesis, existing methods for sound field visualization, sound pressure level estimation, and acoustic simulation methods will be adapted to the WFS system of Holoplot GmbH. The proposed methods will be programmed in MATLAB and the simulation results will be validated with measurements.