Von: „Prof. Thomas Görne“
Datum: Wed, 13 Nov 2019
Betreff: klingt gut! KLG 2020 – Symposium on Sonic Art and Spatial Audio
klingt gut! KLG 2020 – 5th International Symposium on Sonic Art and Spatial Audio, May 14-16, Hamburg: The deadline for the Call for Papers and Call for Artworks is fast appoaching: November 30 – see
We are seeking papers, posters, audio or audio-visual works, installations, artistic performances and technical demos.
Scientific submissions will be reviewed based on abstract+précis; full paper submission of accepted proposals is then required shortly before the event. After the event, the full papers will be published online, open access, in the KLG 2020 conference proceedings following editorial review.
Artistic submissions will be reviewed based on artistic concept / work description / work samples / documentation; early submission of finished works is possible but not requested.
Topics for scientific contributions include but are not limited to
– aesthetics and perception of spatial audio and of audio in VR/AR,
– auditory immersion and illusion,
– spatial audio and binaural rendering,
– interactive audio, audio for immersive technologies and VR/AR audio,
– sound design, soundscapes and acousmatic / electro-acoustic music,
– impact of technology on artistic practice.
Topics for artistic contributions include but are not limited to:
– sonic art / media art
– music production and sound design for immersive media
– acousmatic music
– live electronics
– experimental video, VR, AR
Available technical setups include loudspeaker dome / multi-channel diffusion / HOA system (6th/7th order), 8-channel loudspeaker ring, 4K projection, large scale headphones playback, AR and VR spaces.
and follw us on social media:
Facebook: klingtGutHamburg
Instagram: @klingtgut_soundsymposium
– send your questions regarding submissions to submissions@klangsymposium.de
Also, we would like to draw your attention to next year’s Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation TENOR 2020 hosted by Hamburg University of Music and Drama that is taking place immediately before klingt gut KLG 2020. There will be special offers for attendants of both conferences.
Deadline for submission to TENOR 2020 is December 31.